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Introduction to General Epistemology

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Introduction to General Epistemology
Sixth part: society


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VI-1 Purpose of this part

(Permalink) The fifth part basis allows us to study life in society, ethics, and what results of them, up to the future of mankind.

Most of its content is already known, after 25 centuries of philosophy. My truly original contribution is to give an objective and scientific value to facts which were previously regarded as «opinions» or «subjective», thanks to the General Epistemology, which liberates science from the materialist religion.

VI-2 Foundations of ethics



It is fashionable these days to denigrate morals. We study several pseudo-arguments, which have no value whatsoever in a scientific definition of ethics.

A scientific reflection on ethics is not about wearing a white blouse, but about reasoning logically about observable facts. The only difference with physics is that, in the field of consciousness, observable facts are inner experiences, repeatable and objective.

Morals or ethics seeks to establish what are the actions which are necessary, possible or to be avoided, along our lives.

Of course, this can be defined only on the basis of a purpose of life and consciousness, as seen in the previous fifth part.

The role of ethical science is then to understand the world of the relationships between persons, and therefore to clarify the consequences of our actions in the world of social relations, in terms of suffering for others or for ourselves.

Ethics is the sole basis to edict laws, if needed.

The objective foundations of ethics


The objective foundations of ethics: first foundation

We saw in the fifth part on the scientific study of consciousness, chapter V-5, that consciousness has specific goals.

We can therefore validly pose as the first foundation for Ethics:


1) the good is what brings happiness or pleasure.


With its complements and corollaries: a) knowledge, b) being what we want, c) sharing and love. d) We must add to the existing Human Rights the fulfilment of the needs which enable consciousness to exist and to accomplish its basic purposes (Economy, chapter VI-8)


The objective foundations of ethics: second foundation

In our study of consciousness in the fifth part, it appeared nowhere that any consciousness may be more important than any other, or has priority over any other. This means that no one can pass before anybody else for his only personal benefit.

So, the second foundation of ethics is:



2) the rights, protections, duties and means are the same for all human beings.



This second foundation categorically opposes any selfishness and any arbitrary power


The objective foundations of ethics: third Foundation

It might be argued, after the first foundation, that some consciousness might be more valuable than others. However this would directly contradict the second foundation.

This contradiction between two founding principles is general, chapter III-3, and even inevitable: any logical system contains paradoxes.

The (entirely original) solution I propose is to pose a third foundation, which alone governs the contradictions between the two first foundations, and these contradictions only.



3) the first two foundations apply to beings who have different capabilities and different aspirations. If these differences bring a contradiction between the first two foundations, then modulating rights, resources, protections, duties and means must always go in the direction of restoring an equal access for all, to the first foundation of ethics.



However, in agreement with the second Foundation, and against the idea of value of people, the third principle proposed here does not pose any differences of value of persons or beings, but merely notes the differences in capacities which occur naturally. See the long disambiguation.


Metaphysical statute

We note that these three foundations comply with the same principles which define the metaphysical existence, that we saw in chapter III-3. This makes this ethics much more solid than a simple list of unconnected moral rules.


The spiritual connection: the fourth «invisible» foundation.

We also note that it is such a paradox resolution which ensures the connection of each individual with Transcendence (chapter V-6):



4) The three previous foundations are the expression of Transcendence.



This fourth foundation connects our ethical construction with Transcendence (chapter V-6), placing ethics on a positive evolutionary track. It also allows Transcendence to express through it.


What are the axioms this theory proposes, and how are they more accurate?

We study here the inner logic of this system.



The following chapters develop the applications of these three foundations: social life, politics, economy, a better society, and even the future evolution of mankind.

VI-3 Tools for the understanding of ethics

(Permalink) We shall have to apply the previous three foundations to real situations. But we need some intellectual tools, introduced in this chapter. Lack of understanding them is precisely what always turned the wonderful ideals into dictatorship.

Chap VI-3-A: type of logic

Many ethical rules are non-Aristotelian in various ways. Ignorance of this fact is probably what caused the most suffering in History. So we introduce here two key ideas:


1) That some ethics rules are non-dualities between two terms which push in two opposite directions of equal moral value.


2) That a thing can be considered inadvisable or even unhealthy, without we have the right to punish, to prohibit or to exercise segregation against its followers.


We discuss about: non-duality and non-conceptual visions, formal rules or informal ideal, Aristotelian rules and non-dual vision, automatic laws or wise guides, authority or responsibility. All this requires basic meditation learning, in order to understand non-dualities. Therefore the least thing to request is that the governments, legislators and judges would be able to understand the non-dualities, and for this to be trained in meditation.

Fuzzy logic (chapter I-3) allows to much better apprehend gradated situations.

Chap VI-3-B: transition

Illusory revolutions, reactions, stagnation, are caused by the neurosis attachment to harmful customs and erroneous concepts. A psychoeducated minority, hazed, blamed, repressed, enjoys only very restrained possibilities to help the society to advance.

It is then quite clear that a psychoeducated government is essential to at last engage the society in the right direction.


Solutions for governments to start an harmonious society

They will have to solve the above difficulties, especially the neurotic «autoimmune» reaction which so often sabotaged the social progress.

One of the possible techniques is to use the concepts and customs people are attached to, to represent the non-conceptual ideal.


Chap VI-3-C: dependencies

The dependency relationships

A situation of dependency is when a person depends on the action of another for survival, happiness or expression. We cannot always avoid this to happen, so that it is of utmost importance to bring viable solutions to these situations.

The third foundation of ethics applies to this situation.

Of course we alway suppress artificially established dependencies or categories, like money, casts or nobility.


Taking care of people

The care is to provide with all or part of the needs of a person, to discharge this person from this concern or this work. This can also include decisions concerning a person. The best known example is the support of children by their parents, the sick, disabled, old, etc.

Caring has often been abused to exercise power on the beneficiary. In reality, caring may be necessary (Third Foundation) to compensate for an inferiority of fact (childhood, illness, disability, psychiatric trouble...).

Chap VI-3-D: working with neurosis


We studied with more details in Chapter V-12 that the very functioning of the human brain makes that we are suffering from neurosis. Neurosis make us have «hallucinations»: the opinions, which self-maintain, because our brain censors facts opposing our opinions, often without we are aware of this.

Law and governments are what enabled stable human societies to exist despite this haphazardous situation. However, if the power is neurotic too, this cannot give pleasant results.

This situation would be hopeless if there was not free will (chapter V-3), and especially psychological or spiritual practices which allow to control our neurosis. This leads to the possibility of psychoeducated people (chapter V-12), able to control their neurosis.

VI-4 General Ethics

(Permalink) We can now deal with the rules of ethics properly speaking. Some specific points will be treated in further chapters.

Section I: Absolute ethics

A scientific ethic is necessarily independent of the concepts of any culture. This is «absolute ethics». However, to live without laws or concepts requires well-known spiritual realizations: psychoeducation. People lacking this will have to do with laws, courts, contracts, work, money and so on. That is with the second section «transition ethics». Jurists know that it is the law which is based on ethics, never the opposite.


Life, death

To exist is the very first purpose of life. Hence a very general protection of life and life conditions, from procreation to the natural death.

Possible exceptions are discussed: abortion (chapter VI-5), threat and blackmail, euthanasia (next subchapter), self-defence, exceptional situations.

All conscious beings, like animals have the same right to life as humans.



The basis of ethics allow to find a clear and detailed reply in all the cases: the dearest desire of consciousness is to enjoy its own existence. However, if this life is painful or no longer offers any perspective, then we can no longer enjoy it, and this argument is no longer valid. This can justify euthanasia in this case.

I however am very cautious, as there already are serious abuses before the laws are passed. We also discuss palliative care, palliative sedation, coma and locked-in, assisted suicide.

The best solutions seem spiritually assisted end of life, and the phowa. Both aim at preparing a pleasant afterlife.


The afterlife

Accessing a happy after-life is certainly the most desirable thing for any consciousness, and therefore a strong scientific and economic priority.

However, scientific data on NDEs (chapter V-9) show that the «paradise destination»is not automatic. It is therefore advisable to prepare:

-Inform everybody about scientific studies on the afterlife.

-Always behave ethically.

-Everybody must have access to spiritual methods of preparation for the afterlife.

-At the approach of death, everybody must be able to devote himself to the preparation of the transfer.


The Lokouten

This is one of my predictions, in my novel «Why Daddy he not comes», and in my novel «Lokouten». They are technical devices which would allow dead persons to express themselves down here. Which of course require a specific and entirely original ethic, with also juridical protections similar to the ones of persons living in a body.


Health and physical integrity

Body integrity is the rejection of any mutilation or unwanted modification of the body or the mind.

This includes the right to health care for all, a normal organic diet for all, the right not to suffer, efficient prevention.


Food, accommodation, means of existence

It is totally hypocritical to write things like human rights, if we do not provide means to exercise them, to all, without distinction of «merit»!

We also need silence, nature, short transportation, etc.

Today the mean to do this is basic income for all.



The danger of drugs are well known: health concern, social problems, and addiction, without bringing any benefit. Hence a strong and very Aristotelian interdiction.


Economic or material dependency

The traditional concept of property is a privilege which can lead to the expulsion of the legitimate inhabitants. This anarchic situation explains the complexity of traditional laws governing property.

Everyone being dependent on a dwelling, everyone must be guaranteed the enjoyment of a dwelling. This also applies to groups, means of production, etc.


Respecting the persons

The second basis of ethics requires that everyone, even a young child, has the inalienable right to choose his goals in life, his activities, his vibration, without being imposed others, and with the means to do so.


Freedom of opinion, freedom of expression

It is curious to claim a freedom of opinion, when opinions are neuroses (Chapter V-12). We must instead claim access to science, and to spiritual means of psychoeducation.

Second, freedom of expression is non-dual with respect for others.

Freedom of expression includes other freedom, such as how to dress, listening to music that we want, etc.

Section II: Transitional ethics

This part says the same thing as the previous one, but using the customs of today's capitalist ethnicities: democracy and the rule of law. But instead of redoing all the above analysis, I am going to talk about the differences: the concepts used.


The law, the rule of the law

In transition, the law will bring its legal protections. It must then implement the ethical principles described here, and eliminate all the arbitrary principles which are still there at the beginning of the 21st century.



Today, in the rule of law and democracy, the formal notion of ownership must be the direct application in the law of the compensation of economic or material dependency on a place of residence, a means of economic production, or an expression tool. However, correctly applying the third base of ethics requires that the attribution of such property be an inalienable right.


Social minimums

The social minima are justified by the first foundation of ethics (point 1d of chapter VI-2) and also by the third foundation, aimed at compensating inequalities. They are a set of measures designed to provide the least fortunate, or the weakest, with a decent minimum of life.

Also, as demonstrated by my scientific paper on economics (Physica A), this lessens the required level of effort or psychoeducation required to pass to True Economy (chapter VI-8)



Non-psychoeducated people have to drag along neuroses such as laziness, egocentrism, dishonesty, discrimination, etc. The society must therefore force them to contribute, and often to direct their work. The discussion here is on the various methods and warranties for both sides.



The money system and the economy are discussed in chapter VI-8.

The third foundation allocates more free resources to certain people, in different situations: handicap, children, or to perform an activity of general interest.


Social peace

In transition, if individuals do not respect ethics, caring for these individuals is the responsibility of the police, educators, psychiatry or judiciary.

But before that, social peace also includes protection against the abuses of the previous, especially when they become a «system» (Chapter VI-13)

Section III: conclusions


This ethics is objective

Our objective bases of ethics thus lead to a simple ethical system offering solutions to the variety of situations of life.

Moreover, this ethics is simple and not source of dilemma, so that everybody can find the solution to any problem, without the need for thick law books or complicated casuistic.

We had no need to add dogmas or articles of faith (just concepts as tools). This then leads to a univocal system, valid everywhere and in every time.


In transition, several problem can still happen, like degeneration of the non-conceptual view, or corruption of the base intuitions, by people with low spiritual abilities. We still need people of great inspiration.

VI-5 Love and sexuality

(Permalink) This non-essential chapter (the longest!) is about ethics, in sexuality and love, excluding children. Family and children are studied in chapter VI-6.

The first difference with nearby all «morality manuals» of the past is that this chapter is not posing a-priori dogmatic statements. It is based on the scientific ethics defined in the previous chapters: when sex contributes to happiness, it is good. When it creates suffering it is bad.

A second major innovation is that it does not propose condemnation in all or nothing, but gradated statements: mandatory, encouraged, allowed, unadvisable, forbidden, to repress, dangerous.

The result is overall matching the most modern conceptions in the 2020', save some differences which we shall justify.

Section 1: the sexual desire

Since our biology created sexual desire and sexual pleasure, our consciousnesses can use them for its own purposes: the search of happiness. Although this is not a mandatory choice, so that means of refusal must also exist.

Section 2: The different desires

This part goes through the different type of sex activities, to assess which is good, unadvisable or bad. Conclusions are similar to modern democratic views, with some nuances.

A novel requirement is to allow for masturbation, with some reserves, as the only extant mean to control our desire. Especially adolescent need privacy, like individual bedrooms in boarding schools.

Section 3 Keeping the helm of our desire

Unlike a sex education manual, this chapter is the occasion to discover a problem few people are aware of: although we potentially have any desire, legit or bad, we need a trigger to actually awake a desire for a peculiar item. But once a desire is started, it becomes irreversibly engraved in our neurones, and we cannot forget it anymore! Hence an imperative need to protect people from «forced conversions»: unwanted exposure to the trigger, like showing movies by surprise, or displaying behaviour in the street.

This is especially true when we consider that children are in public places, hence the general forbidding of any sexual behaviour in public.

We suggest non-judgemental free meeting places for people with peculiar desires.

Section 4 Techniques for freedom

This part fosters a better contraception, including for men, and a better sex education respectful of the marvel. It deals with things like chastity, etc.

A contentious point is to stop confusing eroticism with pornography.

Another contentious point is about abortion: recognizing that both aborting and forbidding abortion arise dire issues. The today compromise (3 months delay) is just the point of least evil. So we recommend better contraception, ideally a contraception by default from the teen age, and such that we have to do something to start a pregnancy instead of doing something to avoid it.

This will also solve the problem of unwanted parenthood for purposes of alimony.

Section 5: Assorted issues and debates

The worse trap of all the sex judging business is that our own attraction and disgust strongly orients our moral judgement on sex. This is true either for the ancient prudish judgement or the modern «anything goes». Hence the scientific approach on this whole chapter. This section deals with excessive display, vibrations, alternative marriage, and children marriage (equated to paedophilia).

Section 6: Assorted polemics and bloopers

When «sex liberation» smoked too much weed:

-The conversion «therapies»

-«curing» homosexuals, paedophiles, etc.

-The anti-paedophiles inquisition (false accusations, dangerous methods)

-False accusations of rape or sexual assault: ambiguous games, «suppressed» memories.

-Addiction and sex delinquency,

-«Transgender» children and children as sex fantasies

-Disposable partners, decoupling sex from love

-Abusive judgement on nudity, or on the hijab

-Running in the opposite evil: discriminations against men

-And of course the one ring to rule them all: the «gender» «studies».

Section 7: The spiritual aspect

Sex is not intrinsically «good» or «evil», it is a situation of life as any other. As such, it can be a field of application of spirituality.

So, in a traditional religious setting:

-No guilt

-Nor shame neither arrogance.

-Cultivate detachment

-Cultivate the highest vibrations

-The above advices also apply to chastity.

Tantrism is not sex. It is moving the attachment of our consciousness from the physical body to a spiritual body. This is easier to do during orgasm, hence the methods to multiply them, like the retention of ejaculation. But there are non-sexual methods too.

To avoid dreadful confusions, basis of Tantric love should be taught in sex education.

Sleep paralysis visions (also known as Incubus and succubus, or «alien abduction»), are a special occasion to do Tantra practices. This is part of the more general «dream yoga»practices.

But also Tantras are a preparation for the after-life: we shall reap the results of our practices up there.

Tantras also offer an ideal of bodily beauty, of slender, clean and perfumed creatures.

VI-6 Unions, families and children

(Permalink) Sexuality itself being treated in the previous chapter, this chapter therefore deals with all the other aspects of love and family.

Formal or informal unions

A formal union, or marriage, is protected by law, by customs or by a spiritual sacrament.

An informal union is based solely on trust between partners.

However, the ethical principles are the same for both: the mere fact of initiating a relationship with a person makes this person dependent on us for his happiness (chapter VI-3).

Civil or religious law therefore can only formalize these ethical requirements. Spirituality has always recognized them. However, these laws were often summarized in an obligation to stay together, even when the union is with an unpleasant or dangerous partner. Dealing with these situations needs to understand how the love bond operates (see below), to determine whether it can be repaired, or otherwise dealt with. This sub-chapter also deals with how authorities must handle these situations.

Union with or without children

Unions with children (families) obey very different rules of a couple union. This is because children are dependent on us for their development (Chapter VI-3 section C). This creates specific ethical obligations and prohibitions, which are always valid either for law, religion or informally.

Children need a specific environment, which shows relationships as close as possible of what nature intended: heterosexual unions without visible sexual fantasies. Therefore, the model with a mother, father, children, family environment, and a village or tribe, remains the reference.

So a LGBT union cannot adopt children (and no conception fiddling). However we cannot go as far as removing children from a well operating LGBT family.

Ethics rules on marriage and unions

-The unions and marriages, regardless of their customary, legal or religious statute, the number and gender of their members or their sex tastes, are intended to bring happiness. However, they fulfil this purpose only if the partners respect each other, and all contribute positively. This requires a work of psychoeducation, all the more as relationship problems make the common life more difficult.

So that laws, customs, social services, counsellors, etc. are to protect this functioning, and deal with problems in a way to protect the most vulnerable partners (the children) against the most troublesome (people refusing psychoeducation).

This also leads to strictly forbid orphanages and slave mothers («surrogates» mothers)

The stages of love relationship.

Love does not change only in intensity (growth, maintenance or decay), but also in cause, or focus.

Positive «fuel»: Sexual desire, economic security, affection, well understood spirituality creating energy and tenderness.

Destructive energy sinks: manipulator «friends», certain social workers, unsatisfied amorous or sexual fantasies, egocentrism, scolding, bad temperament and other defects, the refusal of psychoeducation, beliefs.

Thus, a loving relationship will almost always pass from one functioning to another, or will be confronted with one or the other of these aggressions. The art is then rebounding with every change in functioning, and adapt accordingly.

How the love union operates


Romantic love in the Tristan and Isolde style, does not exist as such. There is either no «magic», no «chance» no «subtle things» that some people would «feel» and not others.

Real love is built, it feeds, it is maintained, protected. Just like a garden.

Against a neurotic union, we need a psychoeducated (chapter V-12) union.

True love is an exchange of energy (chapter V-17): each partner should feel encouraged and supported by the other. The satisfaction of receiving a constant source of energy then makes that even very dissimilar couples can operate, and last without wear despite radical changes of situation.

It results of this a set of rules which allow for a happier couple life. The sets defines love, how to start it, the conditions of success. Then, as in neurotic people problems are bound to appear, how to deal with them, mainly treating the neurosis.

The union is not a business contract, but a situation of reciprocal natural dependency (Chapter VI-3 section C), where each partner therefore has the moral responsibility of reducing the dependency of the other.

Marriages and contracts are valid only if they help for what was explained previously.

How to successfully raise children

We find that all the points about the couple relationship are also valid for the relationship with children, but with a big difference: the dependency relationship is totally unbalanced.

Thus the exchange of energy is essentially one-way: parents owe everything to the children, the children do not owe anything to the parents.

Just that parents are not supposed to be saints, so that children will make their life much easier if they show some respect.

The interests of children is:

-To enjoy the organic and sensual relationship with his mother, and later with a loving family with a mother and a father.

-To receive his energy from his parents, peers, and society. Especially for his own projects.

-To receive an appropriate education including self-confidence, harmoniously inhabiting his body, beauty and nature, basic spiritual education, psychoeducation, etc.

A child is not supposed to be a saint. for this reason, parents and educators need a basic pressure mean, like a punishment. Although this must not be used out of ideology or against the child's project.

All children must enjoy protection, Human rights, and living in the real world.

VI-7 Ecology


Reality check

Some reminder on the definition and purposes of ecology, and the ecology movement.

-We are not the Lords of Earth.

-Yet our intelligence calls for our responsible attitude.

-Ecology is a science, not an «opinion», not «everyone its truth».

-Ecology is a spiritual approach.

The scientific basis of ecology

Ecology is a science. Thus, any claim in this area must be based on scientific studies.

However, the proliferation of fanciful or dogmatic beliefs is leading toward a growing disconnection between activists and scientists. This has several causes: rejection of science, scams, political infiltrations, media manipulations.

The spiritual connection of ecology

Ecology, as a method of survival, cannot indefinitely elude the question of which life it protects. Hence some mandatorily associated connections:

-A more free life, a social and democratic approach

-The search for beauty (chapter VI-9).


-Spirituality, in the minimum for being able to change our behaviours. Unfortunately the «left» militants who hijacked ecology are atheists and anti-spiritual. This is why the more advanced elements flee politics and work in spiritual movements.

The spiritual connexion of ecology: non-violence.

Today ecologists are basically non-violent.

However, this political non-violence is of little use if it does not fit into everyday life and respect for others.

Especially if we continue to massively slaughter animals for meat.

Insertion of Humans in nature


Ecological insertion.

To avoid colonization of nature, we need not to impede or destroy it.


The integration of the economy

Human economic cycles are part of ecological cycles. We must admit this, instead of denying it. Several methods are indicated.

Nature cannot sign contracts. But it can ask for being reimbursed...


The human, aesthetic and spiritual aspect

We need contact with a rich and beautiful nature.

This implies an aesthetic integration of human constructions and activities in nature.

We need the absence of dangerous animals. And stop hunting and other sadistic plays.

Nature must become a huge garden!

Organic food.

The principle of organic food is to avoid unhealthy products or processes. However, with the frequent denial of science among activists, organic food standards were not based on science, but on naturalism. This situation creates a weak point, allowing for the proliferation of fake products, snake oils, unhealthy products, or absurd forbidding.

The sub-chapter offers a short reminder on the basis, including on novel points and on scams.

Most recent novelty is the upbringing of B12 vitamin and omega fatty acid, to allow for pure veganism.

We also study the role of meal ambient and prana.

The energy transition

Two vital threats, nuclear industry and fossil energies, require an urgent change in our energy resources. This is not a trivial feat, and it requires development of novel ways of producing, distributing and saving energy.

I am proud to present in this sub-chapter a scientifically and technically sound analysis of dozens of possible solutions, while denouncing some fashioned fancy solutions (Thermonuclear fusion, electric cars, free energy, Animal traction...)

Living together

The economic or industrial aspect is by far not enough to define Human society, which also has social, aesthetic and spiritual aspects.

We need nature: the habitat must therefore be integrated in it.

Setting an interpenetrating land pattern for humanized zones and nature zones

Fighting noise

Better contraception to fight overpopulation

The ecological society

The spiritual foundations of ecology involves quite specific types of political or social organization:



-Non-violence, mutual aid, mutual respect


-Beauty and happiness.

-Avoiding dependencies, chapter VI-3.

-More social life



What produce disputes, laziness, criminality or fascism have to be addressed by education and psychoeducation (chapter V-12).

The future ecological Earth

Classical ecosystems and traditional human societies are often ugly and cruel. Classical ecologists, driven by naturalism, accept this state of facts.

However, we saw in Chapter V-5 that life has an objective and a meaning. This can lead to understandable goals for directing the evolution of life and of the biosphere.

Science proposes means to:

-Eliminate diseases.

-Eliminate predation and parasitism.

-Safe GMOs can improve a lot of things.

-Better foods.

-A more beautiful world.

-Ecological balances without violence.

-Human Eugenics favouring disease resistance, nicer bodies, longer life, natively psychoeducable brains, more racial diversity.

-Spiritual eugenics, favouring psychoeducation.

My contribution to the ecology movement.

I am an ecologist of the first hour, thanks to the alerts published since 1971 in science journal «Science&Vie».

In 1972 I engaged in higher scientific studies, in order to understand the problems of green energy and their solutions.

In 1976 I was in «Association Toulousaine d'Ecologie», which was running group buying of organic food.

I was a candidate to the legislative elections (French Congress) with Ecology 78, a collective of ecology associations, supported by scientists. It was the only time ecology had an independent representation, before the media organized the taking over by the left «Greens» or EELV.

Since then, my own trajectory has led me to engage in more spiritual activities. But spiritual ecology awaits its hour...

VI-8 Economy




To study True Economy starts with rejecting all preconceptions and existing conventions. True solutions of course are well beyond capitalism and money.

Obvious bases

A) The fundamental purpose of economy is our happiness.

B1) Economy has a duty of meeting the needs of all, equally.

B2) Maintaining equality between people of different abilities.

C) Economy is just an additional cycle in the ecological cycles.

Given the importance of economy, and seeing the countless studies and struggles about it, I consider these three point as obvious and agreed by all. Yet we need to dispel the many beliefs and dangerous ideologies which parasite this field of study.

Section I
Criticism of the existing systems

Criticism of capitalism, the sophistry of full employment, do we really need money, return to barter, communities without money, marxism and communism, anarchism and libertarianism.


Distributive economy.

It certainly is the best alternative. Yet, to make it work in a simulation, we need to assume that people are behaving after the theory.

This is how I realized the inherent flaw of all the possible economy systems: no technique, no method can automatically regulate the egocentricity of people. It is an human problem, which can be addressed only by human action.


Toward True Economy.

So that, ultimately, only people with a correct motivation can understand «True Economy». Still they need appropriate psychoeducation methods.

For people with insufficient ability, we propose a «transitional True Economy».

Section II
True Economy: the vision of absolute True Economy.



This section addresses an ideal economy, which is accessible only to people with enough psychoeducation and non-action. The next sections addresses the case of non-psychoeducated people.

We base our True economy on our scientific ethic, chapter VI-2:

1) True economy has for first purpose the happiness of people.

2) The rights, protections, duties and means are the same for all the human beings.

3) If differences between people arise, then modulating rights, resources, protections, duties and means must always go in the direction of restoring an equal access for all.


The True Economy basic concept of Non-Exchange, compared to the conditioned exchange.

Money, tickets, barter, distribution, all have something in common: they are «conditioned exchanges», not a gift.

But everybody has the same basic needs. So that there is no point at accounting any merit.

From here comes the deepest tenet of the Vision of True Economy: unconditioned gift. This is a case of Non-Action: the non-exchange, doing just what the situations needs, without ego or neurosis, without any condition or accounting.


The True Economy basic structure of the Activity Circle.

People gather in a single type of structure: the Activity Circle, which takes the place of the capitalist companies.

However, instead of an ego starting an activity, it is all the persons in need, who gather to solve this need.

The very basis of the Activity Circle is that it is not producers who come along to sell something, but users who gather to identify and fulfil their own needs. An Activity Circle is the Non-action and Non-ego translation of the capitalist company.

Such initiatives are starting to appear in facts.


In the True Economy fractal society, each scale is the human scale

Nor autarky neither «human scale» are needed. In True Economy, the larger a structure is, the more specialized it becomes. So that all the scales are the human scale.

Normalization committees of electronic formats are a growing example of Activity Circles.


True economy confidence and capacity

The True economy capacity is our individual capacity to behave in True Economy, which results from psychoeducation.

The True Economy confidence is the knowledge and feeling that True Economy can work, as soon as the appropriate conditions are gathered, and people do it sincerely.


True Economy and spirituality.

After the fourth foundation of ethics (chapter VI-2), any spiritual person will perfectly illustrate any kind of religion or spirituality by using the methods of True Economy.


Spiritual work on motivation

One of the most basic meditation in all spiritual work is to awake compassion. In economy, compassion translates into a desire to help.

Spiritual practice allow to better our personality. It also is a very efficient boost before starting an activity.

An important part of our motivation results from our social recognition by others (chapter V-17).

Section III
True Economy: the transition


The ideas presented in the previous section are possible, if we fulfil the conditions. However lack of psychoeducation training is a real problem. So that that we need to propose some practical means for neurotic people to yet be able to engage into useful and efficient practices. This is the purpose of the many Transition True Economy methods.


The principle of transition

The principle of Transitional True Economy is to behave as in Absolute True Economy, while using more classical incentives and warranties to compensate for the lack of True Economy Motivation or True Economy ability. These warranties can be salaries, ownership, money, etc.

Several false views are studied here.

This explains why it is mostly spirituality which is taking the lead of social innovation in this 21th spiritual century.


The warranties

Non-ego people don't need any system, but also they can accommodate with any. So that we do not need to make a revolution.

We study various warranties:

Accounting Activity Circles

Passing cost Activity Circles

User-managed cooperatives with paid workers.

Cooperatives, kolkhozes, Kibbutzim and self-management are not by themselves True Economy, but they can be used.

Religious communities often support themselves by some amount of free work.

Subscription Activity Circle is one of the most interesting, which requires few True Economy Ability.

Crowdfunding and alternative finance emerged since I wrote my book in 1999.

Section IV
True Economy: the mixed society

Basically, the principle of the mixed society is to make with the various people as they are, and offer them a variety of structures and transition levels, where everyone can find a place and feel well and motivated to take an useful part in the collectivity.



Depending on their level of motivation, people may freely choose activities where they earn less money, but with the benefits of the True Economy. Or on the contrary, they will choose the egocentric economy, with a salary, but they will have to pay more.


Economy sectors

In transition, True Economy may live together with capitalism. To avoid an unhealthy competition, the mix may differ among economy sector: more True Economy if they need more ideal, or less if they are more for profit.

Section V
Ecology insertion economy

Most of this section is discussed with more details in chapter VI-7 on ecology especially rule C:

C) Economy is only a supplementary cycle in the ecology cycles.

-The population in a given location is limited to what the earth can feed.

-Production must be mainly local and ecological.

-Production must be renewable

-Our waste must be recycled


Section VI
The time of the tests

When I was writing the first book on True Economy, in 1997, there were few attempts. Today in the 2020', lots of initiatives are in progress. Things went much faster that I expected.


What science says

I did in 2004 in a small scientific study (published in peer referee in Physica A) based on an economy simulation (visible here) showing that when we add altruism, the inequalities quickly disappear. The best result is obtained with social solidarity taxes, as they lesser the psychoeducation requirement for common people.


What facts say

We now have entirely new behaviours and concepts: fair trade, mutual assistance groups, responsible investment, etc. We are not so far from the tipping point.


The mechanics of the Transition

To say that money and capitalism are attractors means that the evolution of economy and of societies tends to converge toward them.

However, in this 21st Century, we are reaching the point where the evolution of society made it pass ABOVE the attractor. And thus, the attractor is now pulling DOWNWARD. A dangerous situation!

So the flip will happen anyway, when the much more powerful attractor of non-duality will vanquish the attractor of compromise.

Section VII
The today apalling state of financial.

This strongly resumed section addresses the distress caused to economy and society by the absurd sovereign debts and sadomasochist economy austerity.

Inflation harms everybody. One of its cause is an excessive creation of money. To avoid this, today only the central «banks» can create money, and lend it to governments.

However most of our governments got astronomical debts. So clearly the process has been wildly abused.

In the 2015 interpretation, I accused the central banks of conning the governments, to then exert a sadistic pleasure of humiliating us with austerity policies.

In the 2020 interpretation, I instead accuse corrupt governments of borrowing too much, to cover their failure of raising taxes on their buddies the rich people and large companies. And then haze peoples with austerity policies.

With the lack of accurate information, it is difficult to assert which of the two interpretations is true. But, from a spiritual point of view, behaving after the second interpretation tends to make it become the reality. Which makes the issue easier, since the governments can be replaced at each election.

We are already going in this way, with more ecology awareness in big financial decisions, civic movements, like ecology, vegetarianism, against racial and sexual discriminations, etc.



The true causes of unemployment today are the differing money rates between countries, and pétain's conceptions of work as a masochist sacrifice, forcing longer working time and later retirement.

A much better way to assign money creation is as social minima. This is because poor people are forced to spend it, so that this money enters the useful economy circuits, instead of becoming speculation funds.

We must also remove indirect taxes, because they are a cheat in favour of the more rich.

An important proposal here is an unique world money, the Sol, or $ol, or S¤l, to avoid all the unhealthy inequalities and distortions between countries.

Currencies without legal tender such as the bitcoin are not «virtual money», but speculation money, so they are not True Economy. In real, virtual money is what is used in virtual worlds.

VI-9 Culture, art and aesthetics



Position of the problem

One of the fundamental goals of consciousness is to enjoy beauty.

The exact definition of beauty is not univocal. Yet it is dishonest to say that the definition of beauty, art or culture would be arbitrary, or a simple social convention.

That ideology pretends to define art is not a novelty. But today it got more front: «contemporary» art, district gangs, rap, tags, anti-arts deliberately seeking ugliness, unless it is the anaesthetic sticky musics tirelessly slobbering from the media and in the supermarkets.

But let us keep to the positive: why beauty is an important mean for our happiness, starting with the biological bases and the spiritual bases of this beauty.

Section I: the objective bases of beauty in consciousness.

These bases are objective in the sense that they are what our consciousnesses are requesting, their «food» in a way. Of course a given individual may prefer some among these basics, depending on his culture and mood, just as people prefer different foods.



The beautiful colours are the pure colours of the rainbow. Since their contrasts can be unpleasant, artists soften them in pastel hues (thinned with white). Slightly desaturated colours (mixed with grey) are still acceptable, but it becomes sad if it exceeds realistic desaturation. Strong desaturation gives a feeling of dirt, and even of satanism. There are, however, many exceptions known to artists.



Sounds are carriers of vibration. Simple ratios of frequencies make harmonious sounds. Low frequency differences make discordant sounds, while randomly distributed frequencies make jarring, squeaky, metallic sounds.

Melodies are carriers of emotions. This is because, in all mammals, vocal frequency modulations are used to express emotions. The artists put this phenomenon at a good use.



Smells allow us to recognize the chemical nature of materials around us. Yet they also cary vibes:

-Angelic smells, like flowers or fruits.

-Earthly smells: food, nature

-Diabolical smells: dirt, feces, putrefaction, burned flesh, some chemicals



We can classify tastes in the same way as smells. Some adaptation exists, depending on our degree of purification.


Vibes, ambient

The atmosphere, the ambient of a meeting gives immediate information about what to expect: welcome, love, or on the contrary humiliation, disorder, rejection. As with physical food, the vibration tastes can be perverted.

Section II The biological basis of beauty

Tens of millions of years of Darwinian evolution endowed us with nervous circuits sensitive to certain elements of our environment, which produce sensations of pleasure or displeasure, ideally depending on whether these elements are useful or dangerous. Which is already enough to explain most of our appreciations, and why modifying them can lead to problems.

However, our sense of beauty can somewhat adapt to our specific environment. This can be used, for instance for an easier vegan transition.

This can also be done for hedonism. However some modifications can lead to dangerous consequences, for instance liking wine.


Biological basis of the beauty of flowers

There is no clear Darwinian adaptation for the beauty of flowers, butterflies, birdsong, snow, stars, rainbow, etc. And we can not either invoke politics or manipulations of the media: these tastes are also observable in animals, where they even condition their evolution for tens of millions of years.

What probably happened is that plants, as soon as they were able to make colourful flowers to attract pollinating insects, also took the opportunity to create colourful and nourishing fruits, to attract mammals and birds, and make them spread their seeds. For this to work, Darwinian evolution also had to endow animals with nerve circuits opening the appetite to the sight of the fruits, or their perfume. But these circuits also feel beauty for any coloured object.


Biological basis of the beauty of music and birds songs

Birds, like flowers, bring no Darwinian benefit to humans. Yet we find them beautiful. Well, almost all.

The only Darwinian reason I see is that their songs only occur in a peaceful environment, and so are reassuring.

But that does not seem enough: the songs of birds also carry their emotions. A personal experience: usually the song of tits is merry. But one day I had to climb on a tree to protect a tits nest. While seeing me, the frightened parents were flying around, and their song was really sad!!

The deep reason would be to seek in our own sounds: before our ancestors developed language, they communicated through sounds: cries, tears, babble, etc. So that melodious sounds were carrying positive emotions, while croaking or discordant sounds were signalling dangers.


The relationship with the body

We need freedom of our body appearance, and freedom of its use.


The body, spirituality and hedonism

In a general way, spirituality teaches to eliminate attachment to the body. Hedonism, on the contrary, seeks to obtain more pleasure and happiness from the body.

So, one of the main activities in this sub-chapter would be a spiritual hedonism, with two parts:

1) to prepare for a happy afterlife, in paradises and in wonderful bodies

2) to train here and now to better relations with the others, through psychoeducation (chapter V-12) and visualizations.

However there are serious reasons why spiritual teachers seldom teach an hedonistic spirituality.


More practically, the shame of the body, or the dirty vibes often associated to it, need to be removed. Especially, we need to visualize sexuality as something beautiful.


Body smells

This subchapter is a collection of known or original recipes to limit bad body smells, without recourse to Marxism to «free oneself from bourgeois prejudices on body smell»

Section III a more beautiful world

The real purpose of this chapter is to propose a truly better world, and therefore more beautiful. On the previous bases, we shall deliberately seek beauty in all our actions, including when it is apparently useless, like machines. Some guidelines:


Body appearance:

-Fighting obesity and abnormalities

-A right to cosmetic surgery, to correct unsightly traits


Hairs and body hair:

Hair is better natural.

Body hair is better without.



We saw above the choice of colours: varied to infinity, but no black grey, dirty green, poo.

For the cut: not to deny the body.

Eliminating all the stereotypes, especially gender stereotypes, for a full freedom.



The bottom line here is not to always go to the technically simpler or less expensive. Avoid the «modern» square style, and always look for aesthetic.

-The model that I advocate is the «elven style», with curved and organic shapes, sculptures, etc.

-In addition to traditional materials, today we find modern and ecological materials, which can easily achieve curved shapes, with beautiful colours, like aircrete or potash silicate paints. For bathrooms, a cold enamel would be interesting.

-Bathrooms with rounded angles and no inaccessible points are more beautiful and much easier to clean.

- Double shape walls are actually two close walls, the space between them serving as thermal and sound insulation, pipe passages, etc.

- An interesting roofing material would be synthetic slate (from clay).


Living landscapes.

The landscapes directly surrounding our houses need a lot of varied greenery.

-Stop the deadly sin of shaving grass

-We can alternate houses and flower spaces, arbours, etc.

-Provide walking paths.

-Vegetable gardens.

-Collective spaces.


Farming landscapes

-The elimination of meat will bring the elimination of the worse calamity of the countryside: barbed wire everywhere.

It is badly needed to restore hedges and groves, or to alternate woods and fields. And at least leave some flowers. And also places where it is possible to walk under tall trees. Walking in the countryside must be bucolic from start to finish.

-Since we shall see more and more solar panels, it is time to think about their aesthetics, and make the space under useful in one way or another.

-We saw in Chapter VI-7 the organization of soils between humanized spaces and natural spaces interpenetrating, fractally, to allow for a continuous circulation between plots of each type.



Workplaces are often thought to be solely functional. But we spend a lot of time there, sometimes more than in our home. A beautiful factory, an intimate office, personalized, would give much more desire to work there and achieve their goals.


General conclusion: beauty as a primary objective.

A world of beauty begins with appreciating, teaching, and endorsing the value of beauty. So far, urgency commanding, we sought to improve the social, ecology, health. Yet we need to make of beauty a primary objective, as well as ecology or health, instead of always relegating it to «after». Beauty brings energy, meaning and motivation, so that the rest would come so much easier.

VI-10 Politics


Section I: untangling

Politics, according to the etymology, is the way in which we organize our society. We therefore understand its importance, and especially that everyone has the right to participate.

So it is up to us to make the decisions, not to «politicians» to whom we should obey.

We note that people are afraid of politics, they avoid getting involved, or even just talking about it with relatives. Instead, politics should be something friendly and easy to live with.

Section II: why people hate politics, while they should love it.

Today (2016), most people see politics as something dangerous. Even in countries which enjoyed several generations of democracy, there is still a strong fear of some political police. Or they see it as a kind of trifecta.

Section III: politics without pain and without ideology

The following precautions can remove the causes of disputes in politics, and start reconquering this area.


To end up with all the nonsenses

To neutralise any idiotic or extremist opinion. Well, the problem here is well known: the «social sanity» approaches always led to dictatorships, often worse than the evil they pretend to ward off. So that we need a scientific definition of the good, as I do in this book.


Not to do of it a matter of conflict or competition

It is a fact of common observation: people enjoy coming together to decide collective matters. Things go wrong when some start to impose themselves.

Thus reappropriating politics involves the resolution of conflicts, if needed by excluding people whose very purpose is to create conflict.


Not to do of it a clan matter

Problems arise when parties become mere tools in the hands of their chiefs or of the media.


Eliminate attachment to opinions.

Indeed, making joint decisions often leads to pragmatic compromises.

But seeing things in a non-dual way instead leads to solutions which are satisfying for everybody. I quote about halal food in school, abortion, and Transition True Economy.


Control our egos

The ego (chapter V-10) is the operation of our material brain. But, being material phenomena, the egos each have a different plan!


Develop non-conceptual thinking

(Chapter I-9). It is very often observed that differences of opinion can be reduced to only different concepts to express the same thing. Solutions are psychoeducation, and relying on the fundamental motivations of consciousness (Chapter V-5).


No more rely on the media (euphemism)

Their intermediate position allows the media to select the facts and interpret them.


The soft revolution of taking directly our life in hands

The interesting attitude, greatly facilitated by the Internet, is that people who have to make decisions about their lives, directly consult the sites of those who produce the necessary information.

Section IV: in practice

The first thing here is that everybody involved in a given stake must be able to meet and consult together, and use a scientific approach based on an objective knowledge of the facts of consciousness.

Once this made, politics can become a pleasant, cool and appropriable domain where everyone can give his point of view and participate in decisions.

Section V: the great opinion neurosis

Opinions are neurosis (chapter V-12) which make us hallucinate illusory «truths», and see imaginary «enemies».



It results from an egocentric state of mind.


Right wing

In theory, it should be the stable Yin counterpoint to the Yang ardours of change of the left wing. In practice, however, it is most of the time a mere force of inertia, driven by attachment to sadomasochistic games of domination and submission.



Adhesion to Marxism results from a jealous state of mind, and attraction to dark vibrations. Their pretence of social liberation tricked many persons and peoples to engage in abusive behaviours.


Left wing

The Left is in theory the heir of the social reflections of the 19th century. In this respect, it is faithfully supported by everybody who wish for social progress.

The big problem is that many «left» politicians today just content themselves to taste luxury food.


Submission to the established order

Here we find of course submissive neurotics, but also everybody too lazy for thinking.


Rejection of the established order

Certainly shaking off the parasitic established order is a good thing. But there is a dangerous trap attached: the mere inversion of values, and people rejecting any form of society, good of bad.



Here people are interested in low vibes, and avoiding to think. IQ tests for election candidates should eradicate it.


Conspiracy theories, «fake news» and «alternative facts»

We find here of course all the trolls trying to steal attention with scandalous statements. It also gathers all the blokes who do not like this emerging new positive society.


Climate denial

As climate denial arises from suicidal thought, it cannot be considered as «a political opinion», and its partisans must be excluded from any power or responsibility position.



Ecology is of importance for everybody in the same way, regardless of our political or religious orientation.

The history of political ecology is the one of a world-sized scam: polarizing ecology in the right-left play, in order to neutralize it.



Apoliticism is contempt of the whole political thing, and therefore of society as a whole, like «I don't care».



What most often leads to fascism is sociopathy, hate or sadism. Thus fascism is psychotic instead of neurotic. For this reason, fascism is an asocial party to be forbidden in any case.



There are two fundamentally different meanings to this word, not to confuse them:

1) The defence of a community (facing an invasion, deculturation, etc.)

2) The rejection of other people (migrants, races, «enemy» countries, etc.)



Extremists of all fur colour (marxists, anarchists, fascists, religious) have a common taste for violence and hatred of society.


Anarchists and libertarians

The neurosis for entering these movements are the rejection of morality, and of all the discipline necessary for a happy social life.



If God wished to govern, He would command Himself, or at least clearly indicate who are His spokespersons. This is not happening today. What we have is countries governed by priests. The value of such a regime thus depends on the said priests.


Reminder: the left-right play

In theory, the right and the left wings are placed in a quadripolar diagram (chapter I-4), allowing them to work together in an useful way. But most politicians are too dualistic to understand this, taking side at random, and opposing. This is where comes the general state of high hogwash in politics.

Section VI: The revolutions.

Different movements attempted to reform society on advanced bases. They inject a considerable positive energy... until they become new neurosis of opinion, and thus a new system.


The revolutions of the 18th century and democracy

The idea of democracy has been a tremendous advance, but it is today threatened by the techniques of manipulation of opinion (Chapter VI-11, Chapter VI-12 and Chapter VI-13).


The socialism of the 19th Century

This was a free reflection on a better society, influenced by the French Revolution, Rousseau, Romanticism, etc.


The marxist revolutions

The numerous errors of logic in marxism made that all its revolutions lead to dictatorships.


Utopia and Hippies

The enormous influx of spiritual energy in the 1960s and 1970s brought these movements, which went as far as speaking of psychoeducation. But drugs, marxism and atheism aborted this project.


Ecology, the Greens

Ecology (chapter VI-7) emerged as a solution to the terrible pollution and destruction of the 20th century. However, the Greens preferred the masochistic submission to the left, which froze political ecology, after they severed its spiritual roots.


The New Age

It started as a reappropriation of art and spirituality. It ended in a mess, because we don't tinker with spirituality without serious knowledge. So that people now prefer to trust the great traditions.

Section VII: the reactions

If certain reactions are mechanical reactions to the excesses of an illusory or violent revolution, many result from conspiracies organized by the fallen powers.



The fall of the soviet regime

It was supposed to bring freedom, peace, prosperity and democracy. But Putin captured it and put an end to it.


The grotty-punk movements

They were a real negative counter-revolution, organized against the ideals of non-violence and love in the years 1960-70. It prepared for the following:


The return of fascism

A «gentle» renaissance of the «foul beast» began with «youth» movements, district gangs, etc. which invited the reappearance of the «serious» far right. Today we are still in the stages of «gentle» discriminatory speeches sponsored by the media. But remember that Auschwitz's ovens were made of 95% of such speeches.


Section VIII: the program of the ideal political party

This section is pragmatic.

It is not a party, in fact: it abstains from any «political line» which would necessarily reduce its base. It is a gathering of cultivated people, academics, social, spiritual, and personalities oh heart, with a minimum positive program in fuzzy logic (Chapter I-3).

See also Chapter VI-11.

Section IX: dynamics of innovative movements


Why innovative movements tend to degenerate

Chapter V-6 and Chapter V-7 allow to say that an authentic innovation can occur only when the consciousness of a person is able to pass information to its brain, and to bring there elements of consciousness: science truth, ethics, meaning of life, etc.

Once this is done, an innovative idea can bring an enormous energy (chapter V-17), making it propagate in the whole society.

But if we do not have a constant source of energy through really spiritual people, then what often happens is a process of degradation of the original inspiration, which becomes an opinion, veers into dualistic thinking, and finally is taken over by dishonest people.



Christianity degenerated in dogmatism (but it is not lost)

Science undergone a similar process, although it managed to keep a sane areas in physics. But it is still unable to apprehend the spiritual domains and ethics. The main purpose of this book is to correct this situation.

Ecology is in a similar process of becoming dogmatic, as well visible in organic food.



-The leaders of the movement must be capable of non-conceptual thinking, and to be able to rediscover the founding intuition themselves.

-With non-conceptual thinking we are not attached to words or even not to concepts.

-It is not to look pretty which I proposed to concretise my General Epistemology in an «university»: a network of people capable of non-conceptual thinking, working discreetly to spread the new foundations.

-The hierarchy of a movement must also be capable of non-conceptual thinking, to take the continuation when the initiator dies.


The role of the egregores

Egregores (chapter VI-13) provide with a simple and effective way to help humanity today. It is enough to join one of these meditations:

-Keep in a pure vibration

-Do not wish the death of the bad, but that they become good, in order to keep your own karma clean.

-Everyone can keep his religion or his spiritual path, in ecumenism and non-conceptual thinking.

VI-11 49/51, or why democracy is blocked


Warning on the intent of this chapter

This chapter is not «against» democracy. But it turns out that democracy is at the centre of a quadripolar diagram (chapter I-4), at the intermediate level of compromises. Thus any dualistic opinion «pro» or «anti» democracy is bound to produce calamities.

So, for psychoprimitive people, ready to fight each other, the rule of law is needed. But a psychoeducated society (chapter V-12) being in the upper level of the diagram, it no longer needs the legal and democratic compromises.

The question of this chapter is why does democracy most often gives birth to a kind of floppy dictatorship accepted reluctantly, while people are free to vote for fair solutions and competent leaders.


49% and 51%, these figures are familiar to you: it is the results of most elections. The problem is that, for statisticians, this consistency is highly unlikely.

The first explanation which comes in mind is that all the elections would be massively rigged. This is not much likely either, but statistical science still shows that there really is something which massively distorts the results of the elections.

How the 49/51 attractor works

It is actually quite easy to understand, on an example:

Why in France Catholics do not vote for the left, despite it supports the Christian values of equality, solidarity and aiding the poorest? The reason is that the left opposes the spirit. On the other hand, the right «supports» the Catholics. But this protection comes with capitalist values of egocentrism and privileges! So that Catholics should not vote for any of the two. This simple example is enough to understand the dilemma of all the voters, who have to choose between fundamental values artificially brought into a dualistic opposition. Choosing between a half full glass and a half empty glass!

Then what each voter does is to choose after one or another secondary criterion that he holds as important. The result is then the same as if each voter voted at random, as with flipping a coin. Hence the so frequent 49/51.

How to manipulate the elections

Are the manipulations that I shall describe here intentional? The real answer, is up to you to bring it, with understanding this chapter, and voting for those who will attempt to apply the solutions proposed in the end.

To manipulate the elections: placing all the parties on a single linear left-right scale

This little perverse game is as old as the elections. Politicians and media are unanimous to see us as more or less «left» or «right» (the terms vary by country) However far left is not a «super left»: it is Marxist. Same for the far right, which often opposes the right's capitalism. If we add ecology, it belongs to everybody. To say that ecology is «left» was a major mind manipulation, confining it to a few percent in the votes.

This frantic dualistic reduction of all the ideas to a simple left-right linear scale is the direct cause of this bipolarization which is blocking politics. Politicians and manipulators know this very well: they take random right or wrong positions on their programs, but in equal quantity on each side, so as not to distort the balance. This is how they propose us to choose between a half full glass or an half empty glass.

To manipulate the elections: the role of the extremists

The extremists are not clowns allowed to add fun to the election ritual. They play a crucial role of scarecrow or herders: to gather votes to the «serious» parties, by fear that «the other extreme» wins.

They also are used as marking. For instance, the protesters against «gender» «studies» and against homosexual adoption were labelled «far right», effectively demobilizing all the participants. If needed, real brawlers are added in the mix. In France this was done to the ZAD movement, or in the USA to the Wall Street Occupy movement.

To manipulate the elections: to do the apology of the bad guys

For long, the extreme left and anarchists played a scapegoat role in Europe and America. But today, the far-left parties are seniors clubs. Then only sects and paedophiles remained to justify special laws and authoritarian rants of sociopathic politicians. And still cults have to be staged, as with the ridiculous 2012 Bugarach affair.

To replace this waning extreme left, the media considerably amplified the relevance of more recent terrorist activities, in order to make racist speeches to foam.

To manipulate the elections: tiercé effect and useful vote

In France, the «tiercé» (Trifecta or tricast) is a bet system on horse races. The media publish «pronostics» (prognosis). But the vast majority of players has no other information, so that they bet after the pronostics: it is the tiercé effect. Applied to elections, voters have little information about what the candidates will really do. But if the media credit them with high polls, this results in votes from tiercé effect.

Moreover, it often seems more profitable to vote for a less good candidate, but more likely to be elected. This is what is called the useful vote, which allows the media to easily manipulate the elections.

To manipulate the elections: how to tamper polls legally

As many people vote after the polls, then any poll is a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is allowing for the media to «steer» the opinion. This is how they were able to tip the balance for Trump, or how they created major opinion movements from unknown or ultra-marginal groups. In France, it is obvious that the media talk a lot about the extreme right, never about the extreme left, and always in bad about the ecologists.

But the most common method is simply to select which polls are published or not. For instance, a poll on ecology against technocracy would automatically show a strong support to ecology. So instead they publish a poll between «left» or «right», making ecology totally invisible. This can be called a form of gerrymandering.

To manipulate the elections: controlling the Internet

It is clear that Internet indexing is massively rigged, and this time it is legal to say it. For instance, a Youtube video illustrating a better world get 12 likes in 4 years, while an unknown conspiracy nutter gathers 30 million views in some hours. This screams in which massive proportions the Internet indexing is rigged. We can even know precisely since when, by looking at the votes on this page: until 2011, the votes were logically growing with the size of the Internet. But after 2011, the votes decreased, and disappear in 2020. This points at massive indexation frauds:

-Choking off search engines by hundreds of empty media pages

-Indexing by «notoriety» is in fact competitive indexing.

-Paid trolls.

-FUD, a mind control method to instil fear, uncertainty, doubt.

-The control of high financial over the Internet, by allowing some selected companies to grow insanely.

-Funding sites through advertising allows people who have nothing to say to spam the Internet.

-From the Internet to the medianet. The Internet was originally designed as a... social network, decentralized between peers, on an equal footing: Several large companies are actively dismantling this network. This is the medianet, a fake Internet with no content other than what is authorized by a small group of a few dozen people in the world.

Other methods of manipulation of the opinion

We studied in Chapter V-12 on neurosis how people pick up at random all their bizarre or masochistic opinions. There are other issues:

Rumors and lies.

Present a unanimous opinion as an opinion which divides the population.

Unequal speaking time. The media massively divert the law, with featuring their candidates much often.

Biased statistics.

Incomplete information.

Present a balanced statement as a critic.

Useless information: horrific accidents, etc.

Expanded text. Some papers simply repeat the title, with longer sentences.

Spoofing search engines


False ideas on democracy: democracy does not create peace (still it helps)

A vote does not solve the problems. For instance either allowing or forbidding abortion is seen as a crime for somebody. What allows a civil war not to break out in such a situation, is that people learned to live with other people of different opinions, and to do with it.

False ideas about democracy: democracy does not allow to find the truth

Still on the example of abortion. Allowing abortion is considered by many as a social progress, allowed by democracy. Yet for one century before, abortion was forbidden, as much democratically. What happened to justify this change? Just people changed opinion.

For a scientist, this poses a serious problem: a chemistry experiment which yields different results depending on the opinion of the chemist, this does not exist. Indeed, the impact of abortion, on women as well as on children, did not changed between 1870 and 2016. (see the full discussion chapter VI-5).

There is absolutely no guarantee that a democratic vote gives fair results, or that it reveals the truth. It can even produce as dangerous or nutter things as the whims of the worst dictators.

Representatives who do not represent

Finally, scientists criticize the vote systems of representatives, accusing them precisely not to represent the people, not even the majority.

The reason is that the processes seen previously produce the selection of a class of politician buddies with all similar ideas.

Exaggeration? The linked chapter produces a mathematical proof of such a connivance.

The solutions of the scientists

All intelligent or educated people realized that the current voting systems massively distort the will of the citizens. The scientists found the least manipulable electoral systems:

-Direct universal suffrage

-Referendums for decisions about unique and accurate points.

-Popular initiative referendum

-No accumulation of mandates

-Some scientists even claimed recently that picking random people in the street to fill the parliaments would give better results than the usual occupants of these places. This idea is appealing. We well do this for the jurors in courts.

However the notable disadvantage of a more representative democracy is to raise the trolls: For this reason, I would suggest rather to work on the fundamental reasons why people take dangerous or unreasonable opinions.

The intrinsic metaphysical limitations of democracy

Politics is a human domain, which involves consciousness and human values. There can therefore not be any technical or algorithmic solution to the political and social choices. These choices inevitably emerge from the exclusive domain and exclusive authority of consciousness, inaccessible to the materialist thinking as well as to the egotic mind.

How the good can win: to refuse all right/left marking

The idea is to propose an electoral list «for the good», refusing any left/right marking (or similar). This method was used by French ecologists in 1978.

However this also creates a huge risk for taking over and infiltration, especially by extremists. For this reason, we still need a marking, not partisan, but in the practice. Let us call these beacons in this case. In France, Ecology 78 choose two strict beacons: No report of votes in the second round, and no nuclear power.

This worked very well, with virtually no hiccups, and a result of 5%, fantastic for the time. However Ecology 78 was a temporary structure, and it was easy for the manipulators to create their own «left» party. Since, the «greens» remain capped at 5%, while ecology should exceed 80% for long.

How the good can win: check only good points in the program

in 2002 in France the second turn of the presidential elections was between a right candidate against a far right candidate. The first was the usual half empty glass who checked at random good points and bad points in his program, while the second was a totally empty glass, having deliberately checked only bad points. The result in this case was very far from the 49/51 attractor: 82% for the lesser evil. There are other cases.

Are there truly full glass candidates? I quote some examples.

These examples still tell one thing: the people who vote may be neurotic, but they are not idiots. So that, when a clear direction emerges, they are still able to recognize it.

So that it is possible for a good candidate to win an election, by presenting a program with only good points. A full glass candidate.

How the good can win: to know people who can help

A difficulty for an electoral list is to gather enough work force: when somebody is elected, whoever he is, he needs support, advisors, technicians, administrators, all trained and competent, to put the policy of the good in action. This is one of the reasons for traditional political parties.

The problem is that today it is still very difficult to find people who agree with all the good points and with no bad point. What we can find is people who agree with only some positive points, but still psychoeducated enough not to get in the way of other positive points they do not approve. People able to work together where they agree, without leaving their disagreements disrupt this work. It is these people who need to meet, and get to know each other. But for this, we definitively need another solution than the dualistic uncontrollable traditional parties:

A non-Aristotelian network

This problem is easily solved with fuzzy logic (chapter I-3). The idea is to consider a clearly defined minimum, and a maximum, between which is the gradation.

Thus, for each of the positive values which follow, we also define a minimum and a maximum. Thus, in the example of animal welfare, a minimum today (2016) is to refuse hunting and bullfighting (80% of people being already okay with this). For the maximum, it does not need to be stated, but still implied: a list calling for forbidding meat would not get enough support today (2022).

With this system, the intersection of the different sets is significantly larger than with Aristotelian logic.

This intersection is achieved as follows: at least not to fight any other value, and remain able to work with someone despite disagreement over the exact limit.

People who place themselves in the intersection may not necessarily agree for making a «party», but we can still see them as members of a network of positive people.

Moreover, there is no need for a centralized management that an ego can monopolize.

What I propose is not a political party, but a voluntary adhesion to a charter, in a network of people with progressive ideas. Persons of heart, intelligent or competent (university degrees, etc.), able to take a position in an organization, or able to provide other forms of support, financial, public, artistic, etc.

The network's charter

The network operates on the principle:

* Know each other, and work together where we agree, without leaving our disagreements disrupt this work. This refer to a way to be able to quickly find competent people.

* Non-partisan, neither right nor left, nor any other bipolar system, especially not extreme.

* Fundamental values cannot be opposed to each other. The list:

* For the happiness of everybody:

* Ecology

* Economy at the service of all

* Social minimums guaranteed for all

* Free health and free contraception for all

* Freedom

* No violence,

* Neither hunting nor cruel games

* Equality

* Relying on science and knowledge

* peaceful spirituality

* No addictive substances.

Maintenance of the list: to maintain the «glass» full

The following two points are part of the list:

* This list will be maintained by raising the minimum according to the evolution of society, in order to remain well above the average of opinions.

* It might even be necessary to add points which are unpredictable today.

The network

Such a network would solve a serious defect of today society: the difficulty for good people to meet, and even to recognize each other. For this, there could be one (or several) members directory, mentioning their actual skills and experience. It could even include more personal data, for purpose of meetings!

But we must also, at this point, be aware that working together is more demanding than to attract votes. So this requires a subnetwork with higher minimum than today, decades ahead.

Such a directory could take the form of a «social network» on the internet. Not sites like facebook, instead on the model of dating sites, where people gather by interest and spontaneously organize discussion groups. Such groups can be the seeds of future associations, companies, or why not governments.

For instance members would check different categories on their skills and abilities. In some cases anonymisation is needed, or protections against scams. The whole network may be private.

Factual conclusion

I ignore when such a network will exist, which name it will bear, etc. But here also, we are nearing the critical mass, and things could go very fast. As evidence, the appearance of various initiatives going in this way.

VI-12 Mind control

(Permalink) This non-essential chapter is strongly summarized, with all the anecdotal examples removed.

Demystification: who manipulates

About mind control, some people think at «cults», not seeing the manipulations by the «established order». Others, on the contrary, think that «the government» manipulates them, and veer into conspiracy theories which are blatant manipulations. In fact, experience shows that manipulators can be found in all walks of life.

A successful mind control uses the very functioning of our brain to trigger a feeling, a neurosis of opinion, or a belief, without us realizing that it is the manipulator who caused the change. This is what makes mind control particularly immoral.

Lie and its variants

The whole art of lying is in the presentation of a lie in such a way that it is accepted by the victim. The liar must then dress his lie with a «vector», bait or lure, which then carries the «payload» beyond the victim's defences. The vectors can be:

-An authority

-A psychological weakness of the victim.

-A situation of suffering.

-In an unexplained situation

-Lying by omission

-Lying by amalgamation

-Lying by false type of logic,


Amalgamation, confusion and slippage

-Abusive generalisation

-A vicious concept leading to another.

-An ideological virus (chapter V-12) is a simplistic, incomplete or unproven assertion, which induces wrong conclusions: «everyone has his own truth», «truth is relative» «It is human nature», the brexit, etc.

-Accusation of ulterior intents.

Inducing feelings and thoughts

-A television program describes conspiracy theories with a pathetic and scary music background.

-The magma of pointless emotions of supermarket «music» is a good form of anaesthesia.

-The cacophony and ugliness of cities try to saturate your sensibility with pointless emotions.

-Associating a lie with an emotional vector. Example, the mawkish TV show «Santa Barbara», showing the bad guys as Hispanic, was an important vector of anti-Latino racism.

Causing neurological reactions

The principle here is to provoke a neurological reaction, according to the principle of bee smoking: When a bee smells smoke, it goes into fire-fighting mode. But, because it cannot perform two tasks at once, it loses awareness of the need to defend the hive against looting. Examples:

-Cries, conflict or argument, talking loudly, all steal the attention.

-Standing in opposition steals the energy.

-The «Immediate goals» and the «economy requirements» make us lose sight of the real purpose or meaning of our lives.

Intimidation and other sadomasochistic games of domination and submission

The «systems» (Chapter VI-13) of power have no other justification than sadomasochistic amusement. For the dominant, of course, but often the dominated benefits the situation in other ways: the false comfort of being «accepted», or of not needing to think. So, destroying all domination systems starts with eliminating all this unhealthy psychology.

Sociopathic amusement: destruction of personality.

«Gas lighting», or zersetzung, is a sadistic amusement: altering the victim's environment, while denying these alterations, destroying the victim's self-confidence. Such a degree of perversion makes that witnesses, doctors, etc. have trouble understanding the situation.

A method I saw was sending false social support, while in the back destroying my work.

Proxies are persons manipulated by sociopaths in order to harm us, while the sociopath looks innocent.

Triangulation is the fact for a sociopath to use your relatives or friends (the proxies) against you, without revealing himself. Sometimes the proxies betray themselves by staring at you.

Creating fake news and manipulating social networks

A fake new must appear plausible, for example claiming to be a scientific result, a historical or immediate fact, a statement of a personality, etc.

An Internet bubble forms when a person allows for advertising tracking cookies: he is then followed from crook site to crook site, being always served stories confirming his opinion neurosis.

Manipulative sites exist today with «advertising revenues». This is why we must not consider sites with adverts or tracking cookies as reliable sources.

Social networks also are easily manipulated, by fake accounts, voting robots, trolls, etc.



-Have an ad blocker in your web browser

-Never click on a banner claiming that they respect your privacy.

-Use privacy-friendly search engines like DuckduckGo, Ecosia, Qwant, or Lilo (Test made in 2019 and 2022).

-Always use fact check sites, like Snopes, PolitiFact, Hoax Buster .

The falsification of scientific studies

Fake science studies were revealed with the climate denial, but they existed before, with drugs, tobacco, asbestos, nuclear power, pesticides, etc. Earlier we had racism, lobotomy and so on.

The principle is: from one or two crooks with some university title, one builds private «foundations», «thinktanks», or «journals», where to post falsified «studies», but satisfying all the rituals of a scientific publication. Then, when the «theory» is «accepted», it is discussed in real universities, and thus it becomes «the science».

This is what happened with Lysenkism («Communist Science»), behaviourism and sociobiology (consciousness denial), the Heidelberg Appeal, etc.

For the general public faced with a dangerous factory, or an occupational disease, this results in one of those interminable «expert battles».

The false logic of sophistry.

Sophisms are false reasoning, but which can be convincing, since their logical flaws are not very apparent. If Socrates and Plato were to return today, no doubt they would immediately denounce the climate deniers as the most abundant source of sophistry in the whole History of Humanity.

Ideological viruses

We defined ideological viruses in Chapter V-12: a generic statement, without content in itself, but which induces vicious reasoning or conclusions. Examples:: «Everyone has his own truth», «We must not do morals», «natural» «instinct», «genes», «Human nature», «employment», «the crisis», etc.

Books and scientific research on mind control

-Georges Orwell's «1984» (Novel)

-Aldous Huxley's «The Best of Worlds» (Novel)

-«Stalking the Soul», the definition of sociopaths,: by Marie-France Hirigoyen, psychiatrist.

-«Political Ponerology», sociopathy in politics, by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, psychologist and first hand witness.

Being perverse does not even protect oneself.

Sociopaths are, let us remember, psychotics, incapable of becoming aware of their abnormality. Moreover, they have no empathy: they never can be intimidated or broken, they will always continue their nonsense.

The main way to manipulate a sociopath is to show him that he does not matter to us.

Why we cannot win against a sociopath or a manipulator

Manipulators want us to play after their rules, instead of our life project. This is why they always try to destroy our project.

If you become aware of the problem, and you begin to face him according to HIS rules, then he wins: you perverted yourself.

Often the only solution is to accept the humiliation of the destruction of our own ego. Or to make the sacrifice of our desire for revenge or reparation, on the altar of rebuilding a healthy and positive personality.

Dictionary of Newspeak

Newspeak is a perverse way to distort the language, described in the novel «1984» by Georges Orwell. There is so much matter today that a reference was needed, lol

VI-13 The «system»



Most people complain about their lack of control over society, feeling that real decisions are taken in secret. This diffuse sensation is shared by a large majority, who then call society «the system».

However, it is easy to see objectively that most people themselves play as gears for the same «system», unable to adapt their behaviour. So that it is useless to point at any group accused of controlling the society: the «system» exists only through our sadomasochistic submission, or by the statistical average of our disordered egocentric actions.

From there to say that all the governments, and even democracy itself, are pervert «systems», there is only one step, that many take... without me. Indeed, starting recently (2016), the «anti-system» speeches also got an intrinsically anti-social, and even fascist or populist component! So I state that democracy is certainly imperfect, but before removing it, we must have better.


My personal standpoint, and the conclusion of General Epistemology, is that systems, even nice ones, are not conscious beings, so that they do not have to exist. However it is useless to destroy the head, if the sadomasochistic submission of the majority immediately recreates a new system: the only solution is psychoeducation.

Also, importantly, we must not fight society at a whole, only what perverts it.

Simplified case: small scale, in a buddies group

In a normal group, people are enthralled by the common purpose, and they rarely dispute. However, random opinions always end up creating disagreements. The situation then degenerates in a very recognizable way:

-An informal «authority» appears.

-The group stops recruiting new members, and ancient members leave silently.

-When problems break out in the open, the dominants speak about «rules» and «organization».

-The group stops being influential: people feel instinctively that it has become a new system, which escapes them again.

-At this stage, we have a well-constituted «system», which starts offering privileges to some members, and bullying others.


Destpite this risk, I still think that buddy groups are an excellent experience for understanding the human condition in this world. They would also be an excellent model to scientifically study how the «system» appears.

The «real» system: on the scale of a state.

The «buddies» case allows not to confuse what emerges from the parasitic «system», and what arises from the mere inconveniences of the normal functioning of a state.

State allows for physical violence in a dictatorship, but also for moral violence in a democracy. Sorry to remind that.

The main difference between a state and a group of buddies, is that it is no longer possible for people to escape. Members of the «buddy group» who disappeared silently becomes the «silent majority» avoiding visible actions designating them as targets for bullying.

To endure an uncontrollable and dangerous system causes an enormous stress. To avoid this anxiety, people internalize this system, its ideology and its crazy requirements. This is why the «silent majority» seems to always support the system, whatever its criminal, destructive or anti-happiness requirements.

The system seen as a social disease©, or social viruses©

a social virus© would be when people divert law, science or democracy, to serve ideological or egocentric interests.

If people create an abnormal society in their own way, we could talk about social bacteria©: cults, dictatorship...

A social disease is when the whole society and institutions are perverted or inhibited in their functioning: corruption, populism, plutocracy, occult powers, and so on.

Militant associations, whistle-blowers, petitioners, civil disobedience, etc. are «antibodies» appearing in a sick society.

How to really fight the system

Facing injustice and perversion, it is tempting to take arms. Problem is that, if we succeed, then our buddy group becomes automatically the next system in power.

In fact, «fighting the system» does not make sense: the system exists only because we let ourselves be manipulated. If we understand how we are manipulated, then there is no more system. And from there, nothing to fight. Here too, psychoeducation is the only solution. But at least this solution is totally effective, and perfectly adapted.

To «fight the system» is ultimately to make people want to be psychoeducated, or to offer them means to do so. Some recipes:


-No proselytism.

-Don't let opponents steal your energy.

-«Hit and run»: most people who just accepted a piece of the truth immediately close their minds again.

-Do not grasp on words, acronyms, parties, groups, newspapers.

-If you have a spiritual path, always keep ecumenical, see inter-religious.

-Due to the multitude of things to understand, the pragmatic attitude is to work together when we agree, and to avoid discussion when we do not.

The egregores

A group of people, whoever it is, forms a kind of collective spirit. Most aspects of egregores can receive purely psychological or sociological explanations, but in some cases parapsychological explanations are needed.

Egregores can be useful and positive. But they can also be dangerous manipulation tools.

Egregore rituals do not need to be «esoteric»: they can be company management meetings, dressed in black sadomasochist suits, common undressing cloakrooms, or hazing. The most subtle and important function of hazing being precisely a selection on the ability to become a submissive gear of a system, able to make suffer in his turn.


The egregores and the system

We can posit that the «systems» which oppress our world are not based solely on psychological manipulation by the media, but that they also have a parapsychological component.


Is creating and using an egregore good or evil? It depends on what you do with it. But there is a specific catch: they are an intrusion into people's minds. This limits their honest applications to only a consenting group, or to collective needs like ecology, freedom, peace, etc.


Black egregores and satanic rituals. People who deliberately create egregores for evil purposes know that certain activities are an opportunity to do excellent satanic rituals: war, vivisection, hunting, etc. All these things are therefore to be considered as deliberate satanic rituals, and probably the main cause of stagnation for the present society.


It is not difficult to contribute to the positive egregore which drives the progress of humanity: being friendly and positive, meditating on a vision of the free and happy Earth, ecumenism and absence of ideology, ceasing to feed the evil egregore (racism, meat, etc.), etc.


Building a positive egregore is always a great help. An egregore for the whole mankind could help it in a whole, even if few people maintain it. However it must really include all Humans.


To protect oneself from evil egregores. Evil egregores have a weak point: by addressing directly the egregore, we may be able to divert it toward the good. A practical example is the fear of being «invaded by immigrants» fuelled by the media, with subtly divisive concepts like «us and them». The direct antidote is to meditate the emptiness of the concepts of «us» and «them».

When «questioning the system» becomes newspeak

Between about 1966 and 2010, «questioning the system» was synonymous with defending our freedom and happiness, against oppressive powers. However the media took over the idea, so that in 2016, an «anti-system candidate» became newspeak for a fascist candidate!

This may be a sign that we must stop «questioning the system» in the destructive way of the marxists. In this 21st spiritual century, we have much better ways, and much more constructive. Especially with the positive way society is evolving now.

Social movements: the true ones and the fake ones

Added in August 2024: Society has always evolved by leaps, thanks to social movements limited in time. The years 1960 to 2000 saw several: Hippies, anti-racism, pacifism, ecology, New Age, spiritual renewal.

The media always sought to denigrate these movements (reductive disinformation). However, with so many people connected, this no longer works. The media then resort to boosting disinformation: creating fake social movements which imitate the real ones, but are devoid of transformative power.

This creates the situation of a test for each of us: learning to discern what is useful for our evolution, or not.

The relativistic politics

Of course this is humorous... but so true, hahaha!

Politicians have the ability to live with some offset in the past, compared to us. However General Relativity forbids information to go backward in time, from us to them. The fall of the joke is why a politician cannot get the warnings of our present.

The interesting conclusion is that you have to vote for politicians living in the present. If they say that we are utopian dreamers, it is because they are in the past.

VI-14 The ideal society

(Permalink) An ideal society is not built on declarations or wishful thinking: there «still» are rules. However, an ideal society excludes any «power» which would enforce these rules. The only solution is then that each of us understands how it works, and builds his share of this society at every moment.

It is our state of mind which creates society and makes it conducive to happiness.

No need for a revolution: it will appear spontaneously when enough people are able to do it. Otherwise, democracy and the rule of law remain the least possible evil.

Unravelling lies

The diversity of tastes is not an excuse to keep anti-life ideologies. An ideal society must accompany all legit tastes, races, orientations, cultures, etc.

It is then not a standardized culture or ideal. It is a set of simple methods which will allow everyone to function without getting stuck in one way or another.

What must always be removed from an ideal society

-All forms of violence, exclusion, coercion and selection.

-Chapter VI-5 to Chapter VI-10 define what can be prohibited in terms of sexuality, ecology, economics, eugenics, control of our evolution, etc.

-The destruction of nature.

-Social palliatives such as money, contracts, states, laws, etc. are removed gradually by the participants themselves, as they are becoming able to trust and appropriate healthier forms of economy and social functioning.

To protect ourself

At least for some time, some people will try to fight this society, until the evolution of our brains is sufficient to avoid these mental disorders.

These people must understand that their hostile attitude brings ANY society on a ground where it has the right to prevent them by force from doing harm.

I do not propose «reeducation», too often a pretext for persecution. At best, we can provide education and training.

«Reservations» remains the least bad solution possible for people with hostile behaviour. It is more humane than prison, for example on an island with nature, and a variety of statutes for different cases. But always under absolute contraception, to avoid children in these abnormal conditions.

What an ideal society must necessarily include

We need a more lyrical definition of a better society: it is a society where we feel well, and where others accept us willingly. Not only for our work or our contribution, but for what we intrinsically are: consciousnesses, with our essential purposes (chapter V-5).

A better society is a world where we are overwhelmed by the massive beauty of nature, yet we feel good and at home.

It is a society where we are safe, from violence or mockery as well.

The cause of previous failures was seen in Chapter VI-10: the massive and constant corruption of rule systems by psychoprimitive egos. Against this, we need psycho-education (Chapter V-12), and enough people capable of receiving the Transcendent vision (Chapter V-6) at the origin of all social progress.


It is a society where we can freely seek pleasure and happiness.

It is an egalitarian society, where advantages and resources are shared at best.

The many previous attempts show that an agreement on the label is not a guarantee of success. This is why I selected some «touchstones»: vegetarianism, sex is not bad, sex is not mandatory, sex and love are inseparable, plurality of lifestyles, arts, projects, etc., everyone defines their orientation or activity in life, ecology and respect for nature, science, spirituality.

How society can ensure our happiness

As seen in chapter V-5, happiness results from the simple satisfaction of the essential objectives of our consciousness, in the absence of external disturbances (aggressions) or inner problems (neuroses, hate, grasping). This is why society must ensure the basic necessities: food, housing, health, help for the disabled, security, communication, transport, a pleasant place to live, access to a preserved nature, meeting interesting people.

This needs some guarantees: freedom to choose a purpose, and means to fulfil it.

On the spiritual side: a peaceful atmosphere, pleasant, friendly, free of conflicts, problems and pressures. Presence, support, and social recognition.

The basis: psychoeducation

Psychoeducation is what allows us to control our neuroses and other unhealthy atavisms (chapter V-12). This is a necessary condition for living in a better society. All attempts without this condition resulted in forms of bigotry (religions, Soviet regime, etc.).

The basis of spiritual work remains introspection, this miraculous process by which the fantastic computer which is the brain is able to observe its own functioning, and reprogram our neurons in the right way!

My personal contribution to this is «Elf Dream», a virtual community illustrating these vision. The linked chapter shows several images of it.

How an ideal society can last indefinitely

For a very simple reason: there are no idiots who make climate denial, no crackpots who build atomic bombs, etc. Whatever the problem, psychoeducated people are able to react and find a solution in due time, without the neuroses block their action.

Application to Drake's formula

The capacity of a planetary civilization to last is the parameter L of Drake's formula. Without internal causes of decay, a psychoeducated civilization can last until the death of its star. For Earth, this is between one and four billions years. Small stars can last up to fifty billions years.

As most of the stars in our galaxy formed nine billions years ago, this allows for possible civilizations as old as five billions years.

It is, however, extremely difficult to predict in such a long term how a psychoeducated society may evolve. I discuss this in chapter VI-16 on the future of humanity. Some paths are quite unexpected. I study Drake's equation in Part 8, and the solutions to the Fermi Paradox in Chapter VIII-9.

VI-15 Can Mankind disappear?

(Permalink) This non-essential chapter is strongly summarized.

The disappearance of mankind is a fully scientific question, which must not be left to conspiracy nutters or infantile billionaires.

The whole text proposes solutions, which are not in this resume.

The overpopulation

The population of Earth should never exceed roughly 800 millions to three billions, depending on parameters. Overpopulation is of all the ongoing disasters, the one which went the furthest.

World hunger

Despite copious whimper in the media, they never speak of the simple solution. Let us be careful, then.

Hunger in the world has a well-defined cause, that the huge majority avoids to mention: when we increase the available food in a country, if we leave the population to increase accordingly, then 20-30 years after we just increased the hunger in proportion of our help!

Hence the criminal hypocrisy of those who pretend to cry, while refusing contraception and regulation of births.

Another more recently understood cause of hunger is meat.

The devastation of nature

The progressive poisoning of wild life by pesticides, the slobbery rage of shaving grasses and flowers, threaten our relationship with Nature.

The elimination of nature will not eliminate humanity, but it will make of it a race of insensitive zombies. In my opinion serious things will happen long before.

Greenhouse effect

The problem is now well known, so that today «not knowing» can be considered a crime.

The consequences of global warming include radical shrinking of farm lands, reducing the population by force. Not accounting with a possible runaway increase of temperature, possibly making Earth uninhabitable.

Nuclear pollution

A nuclear holocaust would always leave survivors in some wild places.

The real risk is radioactivity. And it is already too late: Chernobyl or Fukujima, plus the «cold» war, have already sent enough radioactivity for a serious increase in genetically transmissible diseases, which could accumulate to the point of rendering reproduction impossible.

Viruses and epidemics

The risk of a devastating natural epidemic is far from eliminated. But today is added the risk of an artificial epidemic, by laboratory tools to synthesize viruses. Countries, totalitarian regimes, armies, even billionaires or sects, can get these tools.

The loss of democracy

Democracy is something we create, which needs to be maintained, nurtured, nourished, pruned. If not, it rots.

If today the return of a violent dictatorship is less to be feared (though still possible), there are some worrying trends: populism, libertarianism, the control of the Internet by a few egos, the power of the media, the challenging of science, and even challenging of the notion of truth.

The loss of Internet

A small number of companies control the search for information, highlighting their egos and pushing the other sites further into the shadows. If this continues, Internet will become the medianet, and will no longer have any use.

The loss of the free will of individuals

We saw in <chapter V-4 that free will requires precise conditions in the brain. But it also requires several social conditions: freedom of information, freedom to discuss, spiritual freedom

Free will is threatened by drugs, manipulations by the media, politicians or cults, conspirationism, «alternative facts», denigration of science, some pollutants, some parasites, computer control of the brain, uninformed genetic modifications.

Eugenics and genetic engineering

After the risk of a racist eugenics, we address more subtle dangers, such as blocking feelings, happiness or free will, or counteracting the natural evolution of Mankind.

We no longer have the choice, since today nuclear pollution will force us to monitor deleterious genetics mutations. Without a definition of good and evil, chapter V-5, this is a recipe for disaster.

The next large fight of mankind will be to eradicate the ideologies proposing inhuman purposes for eugenics.

Eugenics and natural evolution

The human brain is in the course of a Darwinian evolution. The risk is that a mutation needed for this evolution is considered as an anomaly! For example, a mutation favouring free will or introspection would make its bearer regarded as «unsuitable» in today's world.

Today ideologies would compromise the ability to live an harmonious and collaborative social life, instead reinforcing the egos and serious social illnesses such as competition and domination/submission.

On the contrary, eugenics obeying the fundamental purposes of consciousness would then be a direct means of carrying out the plan of Transcendence, as seen in chapter V-6.

The power taking by robots

We are moving rapidly in this direction, with a timeline of only some decades:

-The growing power of Internet companies.

-Artificial Intelligences giving enormous power to their designers. At this stage, not much is still needed for such an Artificial Intelligence to weigh on government decisions.


Persistent Organic Pollutants are toxic organic substances which do not decompose in nature. Many places in the world are already poisoned.

Endocrine disrupters

These are poisons which pervade many common life products, with various effects like disturbing gender differentiation, cancers, lower IQ. The latest causes a much lesser ability for Mankind to react rationally to other threats.

The phosphates crisis

Agriculture owes a significant percentage of its production to the unrestrained exploitation of a small number of phosphate deposits in the world. The depletion of these deposits is expected in the coming decades, which would result in corresponding reductions in world population.

In more, we throw this phosphate to the ocean, through water toilets and manure...

The disappearance of bees

Pesticides, shaving the lawns, etc. threaten bees, and our global food resources system.

The disappearance of earthworms

They are threatened by pesticides, but also by the expansion of their parasites.

Space debris

The accumulation of objects in orbit around Earth creates the risk of a chain reaction of destruction of all the satellites. Bye bye Google Earth, GPS, space probes...

I propose several possible solutions, to be investigated.

The warming of the Sun and the reduction of CO2

In the long term, the self-adjustment of temperature of the Earth by the precipitation of CO2 in carbonates, will reach a point where it will stop working.

I examine several methods to gain about two billions years. Some solutions would be detectable by the SETI as technosignatures.

Other natural disasters

Volcanic upheavals, large meteorites, large astronomical events such as a space encounter, are the only things which can radically eliminate Humanity, without defence, by destroying the Earth itself. Knowledge in astronomy excludes such an event before tens of thousands of years, and beyond that they remain very unlikely in our galactic suburbs.

Estimates of the possible scenarios

The best scenario is of course that we all decide to seek the truth (scientific or spiritual) and to train ourselves in psychoeducation. This scenario is by far the most economical, in terms of work, time, and suffering. Most of the above problems can be brought under control in a few years, and the evolution of humanity can then continue rapidly.

The only major disadvantage with this approach is that the basic wiring of the brain remains unchanged: Humanity risks at any moment to fall back into the current neurotic functioning, ruining all the social or spiritual evolution, and reactivating the threats. The only solution is then to practice a wise eugenics (we are in any case obliged, thanks to the nuclear industry) which will promote the control of consciousness over the brain: weaker neurosis, more free-will.

I explain why it is little likely that any of the above disasters completely eliminates Humanity. But the worse case scenario is not the end of Mankind, it is the loss of free will, or blocking the evolution.

In conclusion, we arrive at basically three possible scenarios:

a) The optimum is voluntary, social or spiritual evolution.

b) The Darwinian evolution does the same job, but in a much longer timescale and much more suffering.

c) Totalitarian stasis happens when free will or evolution are blocked for an indefinite time.


The common explanation of the Fermi paradox, that civilizations self-destruct systematically, does not hold, from the great difficulty of actually putting a definitive end to the Darwinian evolutionary process of life on a planet. Most catastrophes will only delay the result.

VI-16 The future of mankind


Disambiguation: the frightening transhumanism

Transhumanism as we know it today is a frightening ideology. Their dream is to find technological solutions to problems such as immortality, or «advanced states of consciousness», without thinking first about the nature of consciousness, the purpose of life, or ethics. So this is the exact opposite of what we are doing in this book. Their link with the inevitable libertarianism (note 90) indicates where these crazy ideas are coming from: the new financial nobility, preparing the ground for juicy sales of false hopes and true mutilations.

What I propose in this chapter is a free and fulfilling Humanity, not Borg monsters from Star Treck.

Homo Elficus©

The concept and name of Homo Elficus, that I propose for the human species which will follow Homo Sapiens, is a clear allusion to the concept of Elves as described in the Edda, and magnified in Tolkien's novels.

How can these fictions affect our future? Simply by proposing a very interesting and well-known model, of a wonderful humanity.

Many other sources describing a similar ideal: Ajanta Caves, Buddhist and Hindu Tantras, Quranic Paradise, more recent Christian sources, and probably many others. Just that «Elf» sounds better than Nietzsche's Übermensch («Superhuman»).

The very idea of Elves, different from Humans but magnifying them, reflects a progression towards a more advanced species. Darwinian Evolution is precisely pushing hard in this direction (chapter IV-6).

We can give some general lines:

-Slender bodies

-Artistic sensibility towards high vibrations (chapter V-17)

-Comfortable clothes, with beautiful colours

-Good in science.

-Intelligent and cultivated.

-Positive and constructive.

-Honest and sincere, with themselves and with others.

-And especially psychoeducated from birth. I think this is THE criterion that will differentiate Elficus from Sapiens.

The methods to realise this ideal:

-Art, to share the vision.

-Psychological and spiritual training (chapter VI-12).

-To pass these psychology transformations to our genes. We can envision to use the same technological solutions as the grey transhumanism, but with an ethical control and a positive purpose:

-Genetics and eugenics

-Control of the brain

-3D printing of people, as in my novels «Typheren».

-But the least dangerous method is to establish a positive egregore, able to influence things in the right way, discreetly and without forcing anybody. In the longer run, technological methods will no longer be useful.

The planetary paradise

What awaits psychoeducated humanity is above all a fantastic freedom: free from any dictatorship (brutal or psychological), free of all opinions and ideologies (religious, political, scientistist (note 92) or materialistic), free of all these ridiculous relationship problems which ruin our personal lives and our collective undertakings, we can then build a world of happiness and beauty, or realize our wildest dreams (with only the limitations of the material world).

The transition toward the planetary paradise

In the short term, this freedom will be very relative: in the devastated world covered with concrete boxes that we are leaving to our descendants, almost everything will have to be rebuilt.

The most serious problem will be overpopulation. Then will come the problem of eugenics, mandatory consequence of the nuclear age.

Happily eugenics will also allow to improve the human species. We shall study in chapter VI-15 the conditions and the risks of such a project.

Life span of a psychoeducated civilisation

In the long run, this situation is inherently stable. Even geological or spatial changes in living conditions on a planet would find progressive adaptations.

Clearly, it takes a really huge or sudden global catastrophe to eliminate a psychoeducated civilization. For this reason, I put forward the figure of several billion years for the average life of such a civilization (several tens of billions with a red dwarf star).

The Evolution


Evaluation of the speed of the natural Evolution of the brain

This (in the linked chapter) shows that an important mutation of the human brain occurs naturally every some fifty thousand years. The capacity for psychoeducation already exists naturally, and natively psychoeducated brains could therefore arrive within a very short time span at the scale of evolution.


Evaluation of the speed of controlled Evolution of the brain

Tamed animals show an even much faster speed, already with antic methods. The modern methods of genetic selection should allow to obtain visible personality improvements from one generation to the next.

Who will control the process?

Whether the means used are psychological, spiritual, medical or genetic, they offer far too much power to be entrusted to random folks. In fact, it would be far better to employ none of them, than to leave them accessible in an anarchic world like today. Let us see the possible solutions:


The world authority for the Transition

There clearly are decisions which have to be taken globally, and must not be opposed by minorities or by local governments. This anarchy is costing us our climate policies today, and we cannot afford to lose the free will of mankind to egocentric or childish ideologies or to local powers. So we clearly need a world authority able to lead the process without oppositions.

The best would be the UN, but today it totally lacks the required authority and spiritual competences.


The enlightened dictatorship

A psychoeducated government can help a lot in the transition, but there are two issues:

1) The legitimacy of the government must be accepted by the majority.

2) This government must be really psychoeducated.

In practice, I cannot vouch for any of the two: If there are too many non-psychoeducated, the government will have to force decisions, which does not create trust.

An easy first step towards a psychoeducated government would be a selection of candidates for election, by psychiatrists and psychologists, to eliminate sociopaths, neuropaths, ideologues, etc.


An angelic or extraterrestrial intervention?

In my opinion, we must not rely too much on that. This would not solve point 1 above anyway: they would have to take measures against our atavisms, bringing us back to the previous case. Or worse: such a government would not bother with our «traditions», and it would directly tackle problems like meat or drugs, and this could be very unpleasant for all the addicts.

However it is more likely that an extraplanetary intervention would not seek to directly control Humanity, but to allow the psychoeducated to take power, and to protect them from backward reactions.


If it is difficult to predict in which direction Humanity will evolve, but we can still say that it will. And that the gimmicks of infantile politicians trying to block the process will rather speed it up. Even climate disasters and nuclear disasters cannot prevent it. The only question is whether the process will be under our control, fast and pleasant, or whether it will be a long conflict and suffering.

The only question everyone needs to ask himself is how he will fit into the process.



Introduction to General Epistemology

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