(Simplified version)
Simulation of an economy system
giving social equality or inequalities
depending if the agents are
egocentric or altruists

This page is a simple economy simulation.
It is written in Javascript, to allow it to run with all the browsers, even off line.

It allows to understand how appear economic inequalities in a system where economy agents behave in an egocentric way, such as in capitalism, when equality appears automatically when these agents behave in an altruistic way.
  PLAY:                (Takes time)

At each turn each agent invests EGOCENTRICALLY a part of his fortune, in a relation with another agent, according to the capitalist market way. He may lose or earn money, but anyway the change is proportional to the investment.
The linear display allows to follow each economy agent one per one. In display 1, each bar indicates the fortune of an agent, in the order of their number. See numerical values at the bottom of this page.
The log display allows to see the Pareto law of the distribution of the fortunes. This law makes that, the higher the fortune, the lesser people there is. In display 2, agents are sorted by fortune, and the ordinate indicates the logarithm of the fortune. Display 3 shows the frequencies of the log of the fortune. The Pareto law appears as a regular slope on the right side of this curve, but unfortunatelly a statistical accumulation of data is necessary to really see it. See numerical values at the bottom of this page.
The Gaussian display allows to show the distribution on a Gaussian law of the fortunes. In display 4, the Gaussian distribution makes the fortunes to appear in a leaned S curve (variant of the classical bell curve). The distribution according a Pareto law gives an exponential curve (trumpet shaped). Display 5 shows the classical bell curve, frequencies of the fortunes. See numerical values at the bottom of this page.
Start, wealth at the first turn:
Income, summ added at each turn:
Investment, sum put in game at each turn: (per cent)
per cent

(Validate after each modification).
Start: wealth of each agent at the first turn.
Income: what earns each agent at each turn
Investment: each player invests this percentage of his fortune at each turn. (Validate after entering a value). Normally you do not need to change this parameter, fixed to a value which gives the more realistic result. Less slows the game; more give the war of the gangs. But if we have a great majority of very poor and some riches, so these poors are not solvent, and the game is blocked. In this case lower Investment.

Socialism, corrective tax:
per cent
   Percentage of altruistic agents:
per cent
Minimum percentage of altruism:
per cent
Socialism (Validate after entering a value) introduces a tax on the 5% largest fortunes, at each turn, and shares it on the 20% poorests. According to its value, it stands for various economy models. 0% is a perfectly liberal society. Some per cent represent a correction of the type allowed by right wing parties. More, by reformist left wing parties such as the Socialists. Still more, it is Bolshevism.
Altruists (Validate after entering a value) makes appear a percentage of agents perfectly altruistic, who, in place of investing in an egocentric way, will share the sum investment with a poorest. These agents will appear in red (after the next turn).
Altruism (Validate after entering a value) makes appear a proportion of altruism among ALL the agents. (They will share this proportion of Investment in place of investing it egocentrically).