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III-1 Consequences of the two previous parts: Metaphysic.
Without taboos, we are free to speak about metaphysic. We can define metaphysics as the study of the causes of the universe and its laws. The existence of our material universe can only result from metaphysical facts, and not the contrary.
III-2 Imaginary numbers: To build a house which exists with bricks which do not exist.
Reminder about imaginary numbers and how they are used to build existing things with things which do not exist.
Even in mathematics, one can never demonstrate something in an absolute way. Everything exists only in relation with an indemonstrable basis, which often contains a paradox. Such a situation, far from being a problem, even allows us for a creative freedom. Examples.
To generalize the previous chapter to our material universe, and then to all the universes, which can all be interpreted as a logical chain of causes and effects, able to generate a «space» and a «time» which are totally equivalent to ours.
III-5 Do matter and universe really exist?
The basic mistake of science is to define all that exist as what we can observe with our sensory organs. So we cannot understand why this observable universe «exist», why it is «concrete», when others should be «abstract». What does «matter» means in the modern physic point of view. Criticism of naive physics, of positivism. How do the sensory organs work, leading to the feeling of «concrete existence», from an universe which has no such absolute existence. Peculiarly nasty death delivery to the notion of absolute material existence.
III-6 The Logical Self-Generation Theory The existence modes
The base postulates of General Epistemology: a consciousness existing in another «abstract» universe can be conscious as us, and experience the same feeling of «concrete reality» as us, thus demonstrating that our universe is also a logical self-generation system, no more «real» than any other (Independent rediscovery). Levels of reality. Stable existence of our universe.
III-7 Concrete test: and if we go and see?
Without any physical mean to test our hypothesis, we must try to find a mean to observe what may happen in other universes. Only consciousness experiences may provide such a mean. A crazy and messy experiment. A wiser Tibetan experiment.
III-8 Generalizing: physical universes, psychical universes©, conscious principle.
As well as physical universes can exist (reminder) it can exist psychical universes. Nature of the immaterial conscious principle, without supposing something mysterious which explains everything. Psychophysical universes©.
Parapsychological facts, if they exist, get a rational explanation through this theory, as well as being a valid proof of it. So it is scientifically correct to undertake an objective study of them. If we consider the consequences in terms of happiness and even of life, it is all the more humanly very important to study them. Such facts also make firm the existence of an immaterial conscious principle, against the scientistic reductionistic view.
Parapsychological facts, if they exist, get a rational explanation through this theory, as well as being a valid proof of it. So it is scientifically correct to undertake an objective study of them. If we consider the consequences in terms of happiness and even of life, it is all the more humanly very important to study them. Such facts also make firm the existence of an immaterial conscious principle, against the scientistic reductionistic view.
III-11 Does anybody have his own individual truth?
One can admit that various people may have different ways to perceive and apprehend the world. Such differences can be shared among us all. But we cannot admit that «everyone have his own truth»!
The simplified version of the same book: INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL EPISTEMOLOGY
The novels on general epistemology: THE MISSING PLANETS - DUMRIA - LOKOUTEN
Scenario, graphics, sounds, colours, realization: Richard Trigaux (Unless indicated otherwise).
Modified in 2024
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