For the archives Wayback Machine from before May 2024, seek with the ancient URL:
How we are to study phenomenon which are difficult to observe, are subjected to ostracism and ridicule, or parasited by plain fabrications
History of the phenomenon and of the attitude of society toward it. Reductive disinformation (debunking) and boosting disinformation (conspiracy theories). The scientific studies of UFOs. «Abduction», «contactees»
The most extraordinary UFO sightings involve objects (that many call «spaceships») and the appearance of characters (that many call «extraterrestrials»), and above all ununderstandable violations of nearby all the laws of physics. Attempt of explanation of what happens, with the logical self-generation theory. Some difficult but possible tests.
VII-4 Appearance Modalities of psychophysical phenomena
If we consider a psychophysical phenomena as an exchange of information between a physical self-generation system and a consciousness self-generation system, then it also appears in specific ways. Attempt of classification of these phenomena according to the direction the information exchange takes place.
VII-5 Other unexplained phenomena
Case per case study of various authentic or checked mysteries. False mysteries are also described, do end up lies and confusions. For this, their «statute» is provided.
The simplified version of the same book: INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL EPISTEMOLOGY
The novels on general epistemology: THE MISSING PLANETS - DUMRIA - LOKOUTEN
Scenario, graphics, sounds, colours, realization: Richard Trigaux (Unless indicated otherwise).
Modified in 2024
1) Unless indicated otherwise, all the texts, drawings, characters, names, animations, sounds, melodies, programmation, cursors, symbols of this site are copyright of their author and owner, Richard Trigaux. Thanks not to do commercial use, or other evil purposes.
2) You can use the expressions marked with a copyright sign ©, to the conditions 2-1) to tell that the author is Richard Trigaux, 2-2) to make a link toward the definition, et 2-3) not to distort the meaning.
3) If this site disappears, you will then be free to make a mirror of it, of the whole or a part, to the conditions of: 3-1) tell that Richard Trigaux is the author, 3-2) only the rights owners can do a benefit, as guaranteed by the laws, but I forbid them to oppose the publication 3-3) do not distort or denigrate the meaning. This point also applies to the media, Artificial Intelligence and crowd-sourcing systems.
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