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General Epistemology: I logics

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Chapter I-4 Quadripolar LOGIC©


(Permalink) (note 93

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Quadripolar Logic©

Tree of Life and its negative shadow: let us extract a smaller diagram, with four poles.

(Permalink) After this small heuristic (note 2) detour by the Life Tree, presented with its negative shade, let us extract of it another smaller diagram, with four poles, which is implicitly contained into it. Let us consider any of the three Yin-Yang Sephirot pairs, and its corresponding Qliphot pair, without retaining the Hebraic metaphysical data, indeed very interesting but out of the topic of this study on logic. They form a square, with Yang Sephirah in top on the left, Yin Sephirah in top on the right, ¥ang Qliphah in bottom on the left, and ¥in Qliphah in bottom on the right. (This word Qliphah may sound funny, but the actual thing is not: it is through it that what is good can be turned bad) (The barred ¥ indicates that it is rotten, bad or perverted Yin or Yang.)(This is unrelated to the Yen, but I had to do with the available characters. Its symbol is the HTML entity ¥ or ¥)

Another equivalent way to represent this diagram would be a rhombus: the point at top, which could be called Apex, is the Good, that of left is the Yang point, that of right-hand side the Yin point, and that of bottom the evil (which could be called the gutter, where all the dirt gathers). According to the situation to be described, the square will be more adapted, or the rhombus, and sometimes only a triangle (the higher rhombus half, or inferior half). We can even consider only the two axes and get back on symbols such as the Christian cross or the Hermes's Caduceus, which may be appropriate with some cases.

Four equivalent representations of the Quadripolar Diagram

Notes: The Yin-Yang as well as the evil/good are both represented in the tradition by black and white. However their significance are completely different and it would be a misinterpretation, see a mind control attempt, to confuse the Yin-Yang with the evil/good. Here, for a clear understanding, we thus represented the Yin-Yang by blue-red, and used the black/white only for the good/evil.

So now we have the rhombus diagram with the white good point, the red Yang point, the black bad point, the blue Yin point, and the grey compromise centre.

We also have the square diagram with red Yang Sephirah, blue Yin Sephirah, dark red ¥ang Qliphah and dark blue ¥in Qliphah.

All the subtlety of the diagram is into the gradations between these influences, which are figured by the gradations between colors. A given situation of reality is on only one spot of the diagram, and thus has an unique color.


So we clearly have now a whole set of places for the quality of an object, which play the same role in reasoning than the two places of the Aristotelian logic. Let us call this the quadripolar logic©, (of which I claim intellectual paternity, except for the above antecedents). Whereas Aristotelian logic exhibits two exclusive values, true or false, quadripolar logic has four poles (enumerated above, in the two equivalent representations) more all the intermediate degrees, represented on a two dimension surface. (We could use the name of phase space, although this is usualy defined with measurable values).

The left-right axis is a Yin-Yang dialectical relation between two opposite or contrary aspects, while the top/bottom axis expresses the degree of this harmonisation or non-duality: null in the bottom (antagonist duality or full exclusion of one of the terms) average in the medium (tedious compromise) strong in top, with a perfect non-duality at the apex. Often this top/bottom axis will express the fact of being more or less adapted to the intended purpose, by mean of the non-duality of the opposites: in bottom, nothing can moderate the destroying aspects (which generally both lead to the same result; popular wisdom says that there «the extremes meet»); in the medium they neutralise each other, but the positive aspects also: the laters cannot express their full power in this compromise; in top, the whole positive force of both non-dual terms can express and built in a perfect harmony. For that, according to the nature of the problem, it is often legitimate to say that we have the good in top and the evil in bottom, or at least the realisation in high and the failure in bottom.


The three Pillars

(Permalink) A summarized view of the Quadripolar Logic is the notion of the Three Pillars, known since the 11th Century.

The three Pillars in the Quadripolar Diagram

We find the use of these three pillars for example in the court (plaintiff, judge, defendant), and it is probably not at random if they are in the same order as in the Hebrew Cabal. The Masonic temple also uses the symbolism of the «two pillars», which meaning is identical and the origin very likely similar.

The three Levels©

(Permalink) It is also interesting to introduce the simplified notion of the Three Levels, which has the clear advantage of clarifying many notion which are usually confused, such as freedom and democracy, or non-duality (the true resolution of a conflict) with compromise (removing the destructive aspect of a conflict, but without solving it). (Even if compromises and democracy are progress compared to dictatorship or open war.)

The three Levels in the Quadripolar Diagram

The confusion between the three levels several times had terrible social consequences. Especially, the criticism of capitalism, democracy or law is relevant only if it allows to move toward the top level of non-duality, otherwise it necessarily falls to the lower level of duality and dictatorship. Several important movements either committed this error, or their thinking was reinterpreted: the Greek Cynics (Diogenes), Libertines (the founders of the modern world), Hippies, etc. were all used to promote materialistic and egocentric attitudes, against the ideals of freedom of their founders.

Of course we shall often simplistically say that a given situation is on one pillar, or on one level, but we must always keep in mind all the possible gradations of actual situations.

(Horizontal) extent© and (vertical) depth© of a situation

(Added on August 22, 2018:)

(Permalink) The definition of the quadripolar diagram implies that a given situation occupies a precise point on the diagram. However, situations are often fuzzy, or they involve many persons. They then occupy some (fuzzy) surface on the diagram.

The horizontal extent, or in summary the extent, indicates how far we go toward the Yin side or toward the Yang side, whether by the variety of the participants or by the intrinsic fuzziness of a situation. But only a situation including the central pillar is likely to evolve: the others are blocked or locked. This is the situation of extremists of all kinds, and why these people remain stuck in their opinions.

The vertical depth, or in summary the depth, similarly indicates how far we go towards the good or the evil, whether by the variety of participants or by the intrinsic fuzziness of a situation. There are no situations which locks the evolution, but it should be noted on the contrary that a group of great vertical depth is fundamentally unstable: the participants can not keep together along, even if their neuroses of opinion (chapter V -12) maintain an illusion of an agreement. Only groups with a spiritual authority and psychoeducation methods (ashrams) can remain in this state.

If we perform fuzzy logic calculations, I shall recommend using a Gaussian-like membership function, rather than the usual linear functions. Indeed, for these functions, the probability of the situation reifying itself at a given point is never zero, even very far from the extent or depth. This phenomenon is analogous to the tunnel effect in quantum mechanics, with the evanescent values of an orbital. In a quadripolar logic situation, we indeed observe such «tunnel effects». They have a low probability, but they often are decisive, whether a small number of people make the jump, or that a given person has a small probability of doing so. This translates either by inversions of alliance in the horizontal direction, or by evolutive leaps in the vertical direction. Spiritual enlightenment is in the latter case. Sociology must account with these phenomena, which can bring major changes in a society.

Quadripolar Logic is not formalisable, as it is transcendant

(Permalink) If seems not possible to create a mathematics or even relationship between statements within quadripolar logic. We just study one proposition (in the meaning of the Aristotelian logic), but the whole set of possible values for this proposition makes it rich enough for whole books of studies. Quadripolar Logic is even «fuzzy» like the logic with the same name, and we can even not define measurements: we shall then say that it is it is transcendent, like the Yin-Yang dialectics.

But Quadripolar logic is however exact, in the meaning that we can build diagrams matching with some social, psychological or spiritual realities, allowing to understand them and thus to solve problems arising in such domains, and to save an enormous amount of human suffering, while some other diagram, false or deviate, on the contrary will have for result to harden the situations without allowing for any efficient solution.

This notion of transcendence may shock some. «Transcendant» simply means that the reasoning cannot be reduced to a limited series of Aristotelian inferences. For instance, mathematicians say that the number pi is transcendent, because it cannot be calculated directly. Logics based on a non-duality are transcendent for the same reason. We can even find cases where gradated logics are not reducible to Aristotelian inferences, for instance for emotions, or when strange attractors come on the stage. However when we come to the domain of the mind, this is really spiritual transcendence, for the same reason. If the divine realm of the religions cannot be reduced to any material or mundane causality or purpose, we also note that it does not always obey to Aristotelian logic. 

Attempt for harmonising the notations

(Permalink) Added on November 7, 2017

Even if the Quadripolar Logic is not formalisable in the sense of Aristotelian mathematics, it still sends to accurate concept, even if accessible only to meditation. Hence the idea to use notations, similar to the ones used in mathematics. I propose some:

-Using dash to express a Yin-Yang dialectics: hot-cold, male-female...

-Using slash to express an Aristotelian good/bad opposition: discipline/dictatorship, freedom/disorder...

These choices are not at random, there already is some support in common litterature. However they are yet inconsistent, not established conventions.

-We can also use the Yin-Yang UTF8 symbol ☯ (☯ or ☯ or simply ☯) to express a dialectics: Male☯female... (To type an unicode character, type the value of the character, like 262f, using the numeric keypad for the numerals and the normal keys for the letters, then press and hold the left ALT key, press the X key, then release both keys.)

Unfortunately, since I created this page, some web browsers repress this symbol with an unsightly black square. There is no typographic solution to this problem at the moment, and sites like facebook or wikipedia who want to represent these symbols correctly use images (image emojis). So I am keeping an eye out for solutions.


Quadripolar logic also needs a symbol. There are none really matching it, so that the UTF8 committee will have to create one. Some existing ones may work, but it is not really their purpose: (mathematical sign ∷) (Drive slow sign ⛚) (Place of Interest ⌘) (Added August le 17, 2019:) We can also use two colons symbols, like this: :: Still there is a risk of confusion. Here I put it in bold, to minimise the said confusion.

Since this sub-chapter was a later addition, I did not attempted to harmonise the remainder of this book. This would take weeks of work.


«Amoebia» diagram© of a combination of several non-Aristotelian statements

(Added august 22, 2018) Non-Aristotelian realities often are combinations of several logical statements, each true in a fuzzy interval. I propose the «amoeba» diagram© at left.

We still note that three or more axes are not very practical for humans, but they are perfect for robots using fuzzy logic.

The quadripolar diagram in fuzzy logic

(Added August 22, 2018) Finally, here is at right an attempt to represent the quadripolar diagram in fuzzy logic, which allows its apprehension by a computer.

Examples of application

(Permalink) We are now going to study many examples to see how it works, including false examples to dissipate many possible misunderstandings.

Application example: Caution and confidence.

Quadripolar Diagram of caution and confidence

(Permalink) In this simple example, it clearly appears that it is the bottom which is ineffective or dangerous, while only the top is useful and effective. This is contrary to the common habit where people are more likely to move toward the right or the left (according to their temperament) from confusion between prudence and fear, or between confidence and gullibility. The best place being the black dot, where we are better protected against hazards without allowing to miss opportunities. Expressed differently, this diagram emphasises the illusory and inappropriate character of both fear and imprudence, opposite to the wise and adapted character of both prudence and confidence. This is always better than rushing into imprudence while believing to be courageous, or thinking to be cautious because we are timorous.

If the situation is better known, for example in the case of a well-known risk to be balanced with an advantage (profit, moral obligation...) then we can draw more precise conclusions. Courage makes us accept a worth the sorrow risk, and prudence makes us refuse too high a risk. On the contrary fear makes us miss an advantage, whereas imprudence exposes us without benefit.

In this example we still remain in a purely practical field, without any notion of transcendence or spirituality. An ordinary businessman will not be surprised by reading this example.

Application example: Social relationship between genders

This paragraph added August 18, 2020: «gender» is to be understood here as the sex of the persons, like male or female. This chapter was created in 1999, and thus it has no relationship whatsoever with «Gender» «studies» or any other brand of Marxism which appeared much later. Yet this discussion predicted the rise of feminine supremacists.

Quadripolar Diagram of marriage and free union

(Permalink) (This was already considered in chapter I-3 in connection with Yin-Yang dialectics, example b) The black zone (7) is that of the build-up conflict, where negative aspects expresses without compensation. A male predominance leads to rape (6) and prostitution (5), which is only an «equitably compensated» rape. In (7) the gender war is «levelling». Hardly higher (4), the perverse free union is a form of reciprocal egoistic exploitation, a compromise of the worst kind. The average grey zone (3) corresponds to the democratic compromise where negative aspects are compensated, but also positive aspects. Here are more organised relations, where each partner has warranties, for example in law (marriage). It can be moderately uneven, but the total domination of some individuals on others is not any more possible there. Finally in the white zone (1) the negative aspects are fully eliminated, and the positive aspects can enrich mutually in a true Yin-Yang relation. Mutual respect is strong enough so that legal warrantees are not any more necessary: it is again the free union (2) dreamed by the utopists, but this time promised to full success and happiness. Ideally it is the divine union (1).

Such a diagram makes possible to understand many extremely useful things. A first lesson is that the Middle Way, the central vertical axis of the diagram, is often the fastest way toward good, the one which implies the less suffering.


Added August 18, 2020:«Gender» «studies» being a Marxist movement, they are a dualistic ideology, and thus in (7).

Added August 18, 2020:Feminine supremacists being the Yin☯Yang inversion of male chauvinism, they share with them the (7) position. The rhombus diagram confuses phallocracy and feminine supremacism, but there is no much use in differentiating them

A structure in the diagram: Homonymous situations© and the related mistake from ignoring it: vertical confusion©

Another (Permalink) lesson of the previous diagram is for some people who were upset with the prohibition and obligation system related to marriage (3), and who proposed the free union (2) as more libertarian. Why these attempts often lead to so dreadful failures? It is that getting up in the diagram, way 8>, can be done only by achieving psychological qualities like gentleness and mutual respect. It is worth undertaking this, but it requires time, efforts and sincerity. If, with in mind to follow way 8> we only suppress the marriage contract, without having achieved sufficient respect of the other, then we in fact go to way 9>, towards the perverted free union (4), sharing of selfishness and problems. We went down while believing to go up. In fact, marriage and law, like a buoy, are a guarantee for ordinary people to be maintained within a certain level, without falling too low, while being sometimes an obstacle for those who are spontaneously able to express an authentic mutual respect in the white zone (1). For a person, a buoy can be an indispensable help, but for the flying bird, it is an useless burden.

The situations (2) and (4) are homonymous situations: they are apparently described by the same words and speech, but they lead to opposed results, because they apply to persons who do not have the same psychological, moral or spiritual level, persons who are in different heights in the diagram. (2) leads to happiness, and (4) to suffering.

The persons who confuse (2) and (4) make a vertical confusion within the diagram. This can lead to painful misunderstandings, which were very common in the evolution of modern societies:

An immoral sensualist will make you experience (4) while claiming about (2), and a puritan nutter will fight the divine (2) by confusing it with (4), and while doing this they will both create suffering. Another example of homonymous situations would be the beneficial sexual liberation in the 1960' years and the pornography which is now inflicted to all of us in its name (Porn Internet, naked advertising...)

Example of wrong application of the diagram: Illusory revolution©

Exemple of a wrong application of the Quadripolar Diagram: the Illusory revolution

(Permalink) A bit further, still with the same example we can study what was achieved by the feminist movements, which often resulted into contradictory results. This movement was supposed to carry out a displacement 1> from the Western society with a moderate male predominance (2) towards the centre, an egalitarian society (3). In fact the dualistic (chapter I-5) feminists (the femnazis) were only able to carry out a move from one edge of the diagram to the other edge 4>. This is only an illusory revolution©, which does nothing but to invert the situation without bringing any true solution. Worse, their action being based on hatred, their move is strongly downward. The illusory revolutions often destroy what we already had without bringing anything new. The feminists who really moved according to 1> were effective in the short run, but they did not really went out of the compromise grey zone(3). Only a minority tried the upward move 5>, practicable only at the expense of an effort to work on our minds (elimination of selfishness and clan mind) which is the only valid solution in the long run.

We could say that 1> is a pragmatic approach effective in the short run or relatively, while 5> is an utopian approach (note 7) effective in the long run or ultimately. It is also noted that often persons who employ the same speech have in fact different actions. This is due to the fact that according to their mentality, according to the way in which they distort the diagram, the same words do not send to the same view, do not have the same significance.

Application example: Discipline and Freedom

Quadripolar Diagram of discipline and freedom

(Permalink) We can find more cases on this other example. Here it seems that an half-square half-rhombus diagram works better, because in bottom we can go very far in the extremes but not in the top. On the other hand the gradation keeps the same forms as previously, for similar reasons. In black, the conflict between the two terms (dictatorship, chaos, and fight between the two), in grey compromise of a legal type or social consensus (democracy), in white a zone where psychological achievement of the protagonists enables them to express pertinently discipline as well as freedom without resulting in any form of suffering.

(1) is the traditional fascism (chapter VI-10), immortalised by the famous Orwell's novel «1984» and nowadays represented (Year 2000, Europe) by the antidemocratic, simplistic and racist extreme right wing. (2) is illustrated by the not less famous Huxley's novel «Brave new world», which ends up exactly the same way as the first. (2) is currently represented (year 2000) by the new forms of fascism: grotty-punk movements, rap, drug, cop-like behaviour of youngsters gangs in town districts, etc. Whereas ¥ang (1) attempts to make us suffer with unfair authority, arbitrarian or without object, the ¥in reciprocal (2) in turn attempts to make us suffer with arbitrarian constraints in the name of freedom (insecurity, violence, satanic music, anti-poetry tags...). We pass from (1) to (2) through the path 3>. Persons of (2) think to be at the leading edge of social progress, but the path 3> is only an illusory revolution like the one already seen.

Another structure in the diagram: reciprocal situations©
and the mistake of ignoring it: horizontal opposition©

(Permalink) In the above example, (2) and (1) are horizontally reciprocal situations©, where the simple inversion of the ¥in or ¥ang character of the concerned object (here the type of behaviour) does not change anything to the degree of suffering or happiness of the protagonists, does not change anything to the situation itself. According to a simplistic analysis, the horizontally reciprocal situations appear as opposite, or are described by contrary speeches, whereas they are basically the same thing, the two ¥in or ¥ang faces of the same coin, and that they address to persons with the same moral, psychological or spiritual level, but of different temperaments.

The error of believing that two reciprocal situations are contrary, incompatible or opposite is an horizontal opposition©. If a person makes clan with one of the two reciprocal situations, while believing to fight the other, in fact he reinforces it. (French popular wisdom states that the extremes join up) While believing to be released from the other, he binds himself more to it, and while crediting his own with all qualities he runs straight on to disillusion.

In the example above, the grotty-punk movement (2) succeeded, by presenting its cynicism as being «a liberation», to smash down the idealism of the 1960-70's youth, with an effectiveness of which the traditional extreme right wing and even hitlerian youths would never have dared to dream. (A direct action of fascists on the contrary would have triggered a violent response from youth) There is even a feeling of an occult collusion between these two, for example when (2) acts in a way to be a «cause» for the racism dear to the (1), while (1) organises «police unfortunate mistakes» and other injustices to excite the (2)'s hatred of society. Maybe one day we shall find extreme-right shareholders of a rap editor, perhaps one day we shall be aware to have seen skinheads protecting a neo-nazi meeting.

But what is significant to understand here is that such a voluntary and organised complicity is absolutely not necessary to the effective working of the synergy between the two horizontally reciprocal situations, since they are basically the same thing and that progress of each one immediately benefits the other. When «mistaking» cops or extreme right «militia» brawl with young rapper rapscallions, they COLLABORATE. Do not disturb them!

Flip-flop movements between reciprocal situations

(Permalink) We need to clearly understand the dynamic effect of passing from a reciprocal situation to another, very similar to that of a pendulum. The more we deviate from the middle way, the more we cause a force in return towards the other extreme. The more we react in a stupid, sectarian or dualistic way (in the bottom of the diagram), the more these forces are violent, and the more this swinging move goes far in misfortune. Thus the situation caused by the grotty-punk movement (malign excess of «freedom») at the moment when I write (1999), starts to produce the fruits that everyone may have logically expected: the come back of the moralists, immediately exploited by the puritan «moralists». This initially appears in a very positive way (fight against paedophilia) then more polemic (Clinton case in the USA, anti-PAC struggle in France. This PAC being mixing together very positive elements and others very negative, any position like «pro» or «anti» is unavoidably stupid). If this motion continues, we could soon assist to a return of the anti-happiness and anti-life «moralistic» ideologies... (This tendency is confirmed on 2010) If we want to get back to a safer middle way, it is necessary to slow down this swinging, or to push at the right time in order to stop it. And this right time, paradoxically, is often the opposite of what we should think obvious.

Let us see one example, about the right time to «push»: currently (France, 1999) to grasp on extreme «libertarian» positions, like this PAC which leads to «legitimate» «homosexual parenthood», is the most effective mean to cause the come back of anti-life ideologies (2017: prediction realized, with the come back of fascism. Who read this book?). For the true libertarians, if they really want to avoid this come back, it is on the contrary the very moment to fight besides the moralists against the grotty-punks and excesses of the «libertarians», in order to keep control on the force in return, and to avoid it to benefit only to the «moralists». The ideal moment for them to act would have been, but it is far too late, to fight the grotty-punk movement at the time of its birth, instead of stupidly identifying themselves with it. And for the true moralists, the moment already came for them to engage the struggle against the «moralists», who, if they are left without control, will be before a few years a real danger for the society (added in 2007: they are now, especially in the USA).

Second example, illustrating the good moment to slow down: Michael Gorbachev, after having set in motion freedom reforms in the USSR, quickly found himself in a position to have to slow down the reforms which he however himself wanted to promote, in order not to go towards an excess of laxness. No many Russians understood, even if this situation is quite simple and completely comparable to pushing a car on a down slope: for a small starting effort, it is then necessary to slow down the movement that we however wish, in order to keep the control of the situation. This was not understood, and unfortunately Boris Eltsine's Russia went towards a foreseeable chaos, where it got bogged down even more deeply than under the dictatorship, after having passed in a few days beyond the middle way which would have enabled it to progress (Updated March 2012: Putin seemed for a time to bring back the necessary authority. But, with refusing to help Syria, he demonstrated his weakness.)

I wrote in 1999 that this situation could also happen in Iran. But in 2010 it is funny to note that the franctical grasp of Ahmadinejad is the fastest way to lead to a democratic and even secular Iran :D.

I also wrote in 1999 that a gigantic catastrophe was preparing in China... but it appeared since (2010) that even the extreme-right materialist chinese government has still enough memories of its Yin-Yang culture to release the pressure progressively, so that, after all, China may settle softly in democracy without starting a huge ecology crisis.

Mastering reciprocal situations and flip-flop moves into the diagram:
the Middle Way

Flip-flop moves in the Quadripolar Diagram: the Middle Way

(Permalink) (8), (9) and (10) are at the same time places and movements, because in the heights of the diagram we cannot remain static. (8) is the self-discipline necessary to spiritually progress, while (9) is the essential independence of mind to accommodate wisdom. It is noted immediately that (8) and (9) are also horizontally reciprocal situations, but beneficial this time. Just like for (1) and (2), they synergetize and communiate together. To oppose them is also illusory, but this mistake can be made only by persons who look from the bottom of the diagram. Indeed, at this altitude in the diagram, the qualities of mind necessary to understand this, are already acquired, and it is frequent to meet in a same place Yang monks (8) and Yin yogis (9). Both, to reach the Apex, need to develop the total independence of mind AND the absolute discipline which is the only guarantor for this. It is quite clear that to complete the free Yoga path requires as much discipline as in the monastic path, and to complete the monastic path requires as much mind opening as in the Yoga path: both paths are basically the same thing, seen from different points of view, the same mountain to be climbed by two paths. You may prefer one of the two paths, but you cannot find a path where the mountain is less high.

This comprehension of the non-duality of the two ways (10) (chapter I-3) is the Middle Way, which basically differs of a compromise between two objects experienced as opposite or enemy. Contrary to a generally accepted idea this comprehension does not necessarily imply to give up any of the two ways (8) or (9); the exact way that you will actually follow is indeed an affair of opportunities and of personal predilection, and it can be rather extreme.

Buddhist and Taoist philosophies also claim to promote the Middle Way. I think what we found here with quadripolar logic is really the same thing, as we can check with meditating according to one of these philosophies or according to the quadripolar logic, that is by using the correct intuitive mind faculties which allow to master this field of transcendent non-measurable logic. However the quadripolar logic has the advantage of making explicit distinctions between things which are often confused in the original Buddhist or Taoist doctrines.


Various examples in politics In this beginning of 21st century many Third World countries are still in (4). Europe is rather in (5), democracy, where a minimum of freedom is guaranteed by laws. (6) is a wise and good willed dictatorship (rare) and (7) a limp or corrupt democracy, which tolerates (2) and often shows to be the cause of a come back of (1). Indeed excesses of any on the two sides end up wearying people, producing an illusory revolution or a reaction, both simple horizontal inversions©. The History is filled with this style of coming and going forth which produces much noise and furor and appear very significant to those who experience them; but they remain quite futile as long as they do not really allow to go up in the diagram, by mastering necessary psychological qualities. In Western Europe neither revolution nor reaction brought anything durable; true democratisation (rise in the diagram) only came from a long lasting work with social education. This basic democracy still appears quite weak, but it was however able to effectively resist the nazism, and to turn this nasty experience into an European cohesion force, trough pardon to Germans, non-dual with an absolute rejection of nazism. Let us note that the words «reaction» and «revolution» cannot be simply looked at as left/right reflections into the diagram: a revolution is an idealistic or utopian attempt to go up in the diagram (French or Russian revolution, Hippie movement) whereas a reaction deliberately seeks to descend (monarchist reaction, nazism, grotty-punk movement). An horizontal inversion may arrogantly claim to be a revolution, it is indeed a reaction if the result is to go down (example: The invasion of Tibet by the Maoists, presented like a liberation and a progressist revolution whereas it was one of the greatest cultural losses of all times, brutally making this unhappy country pass from (6) to (1)). An authentic revolution can be recognised from the fact that it allows to get higher into the diagram, whatever left or right path it may use.

The quadripolar logic in a volume

(Permalink) If we convene to note a force acting toward the left (toward more Yang) as being before the diagram, while a force which acts toward the right (toward more Yin) is noted behind the diagram, then the diagram takes a volume. In the case of a flip-flop movement of reciprocal situations, the situation moves following a loop, seen from above. When the situation betters, or worsens, we have an ascending or descending spiral. I also mention that, into the spiritual development, we often find ourselves into similar situations, but each time from a higher point of view, as if we were going up on an helical path.

The specialists will easily notice the relevant analogy with oscillating systems, described by the differential equation of the second order, with a calling back force and an inertial term. The damping term is generally too strong or too weak in the bottom, and optimal only at the top. When we deal with non-measurable fact, it is only an analogy. But if we introduce a measure, then the two cases become the same thing.

Also see the (note 8)

Application example: Chastity and sexual freedom

Quadripolar Diagram of chastity and sexual freedom

(Permalink) (The moral aspect of sexuality will be discussed in chapter VI-5)

In this example, (1) is the most vicious prudishness, while (2) is the most disrespectful of human person pornography. (5) represents an organised society, where even extremes like (6) and (7) express themselves within a controlled framework protecting against tragic excesses. (8) is the place of monastic chastity (or comparable), and (9) the path of the yogis.

All the arrows represent the various consequences of a movement such as for example the emancipation which was taking place in the years 1960-70, positive if they go up, negative if they go down. We again note there, that a single speech can lead to a very large variety of paths in the diagram: a) From involving persons located in different places in the diagram or b) With having different effects on persons in the same place (for example in (7)) but whose various predispositions make them respond differently to the same impulse. Coarsely the real ascending displacement is tiny (from (6) to (5) for the majority of people) to be compared with the strong emotions the horizontal move may have caused to some. But despite this weak progress, the society is now better fitted, as it is in a middle way. We however note that the fascist ideologies of the prudish side are still powerful, and they could regain strength if the lack of citizen reflexion still goes on.

Application example: utopia (note 7) and pragmatism

Quadripolar Diagram of utopia and pragmatism

(Permalink) This relation is often badly understood. We find in (1) destroying Utopias (Nazism, Stalinism...) (2) is the foul reaction (anticommunism, antiecology...). (5) is the democratic play. Everyone of course immediately understands that the democratic play is limited toward the bottom. But, less easy to accept, it is also limited upwards by its intrinsic compromises, which forbid it to reach a true non-duality. (6) is the erroneous direction usually allotted to pragmatism: an action according to the immediate problem, data immediately available, without any search for more long lasting global improvement. This absence of long-term view is dangerous, because it immediately goes down into the diagram, making more improbable a solution sustainable in the long run. The horizontally reciprocal situation (7), the unrealistic or brutal utopianism, also leads to disappointment. Only (9) is the true utopianism, which is based on a real and deep understanding of the problem, from which are deduced innovative solutions, sometimes difficult to implement, but the only really able to in-depth solve the problem. (8) is stability: the safeguarding of the great traditions, the major values, the foundation structures. At last only (10) is the true pragmatism: To work here and now, without losing sight a major goal, preserving what is done, without hesitating to change it if best can emerge from there, to work for the long term without rejecting what is useful. (8) and (9) are reciprocal situations, and the persons able to act according to both in a non-dual way are invaluable helpers of mankind. It should be noted that, in this example, to place oneself on top of the diagram does not require some long psychological training (acquisition of human qualities) but only an acute and... pragmatic reflexion. Here also true pragmatism also emerges from the Middle way.



General Epistemology: I logics

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