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Resources for a better world

Here are the useful adresses and resources I could find, on all what produces happiness (personnal or social), peace, living in harmony, poetry, beauty, harmony... Ressources are gathered in blocks by topics, with links toward similar subjects or pages.





Last update: May 5, 2023.



Groups and associations - producers - recipes - To become vegetarian

The Fair Trade



Groups and Associations

Vegetarians and naturists in France and world wide: International Vegetarian Union

Scientifical evidences of healthy effects of vegetarism

American Dietetic Association scientifically states on vegetarism


Organic Farming


Historically, organic farming was born from various alternative movements: health, ecology, naturisme, non-violence, animal rights... Today, it is monitored by state organization and leades by market companies. These organizations will sooner or later wish to make evolve organic farming, for various motives. But, even if these alternative movements are no more here, these organizations should not forget that the «arbitrarian» principles of organic farming are in reality in coherence with various profound human values: ecology, health, well being, non-violence, fair economy...

Online producers


Biofinesse: Restaurants and communities in the Toulouse region, France. Not vegan, but we just need to ask.


Also see: The Fair Trade





Wheaty seitan and alternative to meat

The vegan shop Online shop

Vegami Online shop and physical shop




Pâté with quinoa

Quinoa is a food grain cultivated traditionally in the Andes mountains, in Peru and Bolivia. It is especially interesting, in comparison to food grains and even to wholegrains, with its exceptional content in proteins, including essential amino acids in balanced proportions. For this reason it is an interesting basic diet or supplement food, especially to avoid putting on weight. Quinoa is bought to Bolivian producers through fair trade and sold under the Primeal brand. It comes in whole grains, pop-corns, noodles, raw or with vegetables, etc... I propose here a bread spread recipe, as it is difficult to find products which would be at the same time healthy, balanced, without sugar, meat or grease, and with an affordable price. Use it as a spread pâté for lunch, breakfast, camping, etc...



The quinoa base, common to the following recipes

Take 250gr of quinoa «cream» (flour made from the roasted grain). Let boil 1 litre of water with a teaspoonful of salt. Slowly add the quinoa cream in the boiling water, first cautiously while stirring, to avoid lumps, as to make polenta. Whet it thickens, pour more quickly the remainder of the quinoa, and get the pan out of the fire before the projections become dangerous. Stir untill it becomes homogenous.

Gherkin pâté, fresh and slightly acid, for summer

Take a great can (1,6l total, 900gr dry weight) of gherkins with vinegar (not lactic or brine) Empty (and keep) the vinegar, keep the seasoning (coriander, etc...) with the gherkins, cut the gherkins in small pieces and mix. Add this puree to the still hot base, mix, add some of the vinegar oil or salt at need.

olive pâté

Before the base water boils, put in a soupspoon of ground coriander. Take about 200gr of strained, stoned or pitted green olives (about the same weight as of the quinoa). Blend with a mixer or a vegetable mill. Add a soupspoon of ground cumin. Salt, add if desired oil, vinegar.

Pâté with curcuma and dietetic yeast, for winter.

To the still hot base, add two soupspoon of ground paprika, one of curcuma, one os a spice such as ras el hanout or the spice for the couscous. Add oil, vinegar or citrus juice at will. Stir with a large wooden spatula. At last add about 0,7 litres of dehydrated dietetic yeast, and carefully stir again.

End of preparation

Place in a dish, allow to cool, it is ready. This keeps some days in the fridge. To keep longer, it is possible to bottle and sterilise, but if there is yeast, you loose its nutrients.

Do not abuse...

We are not acustomed to quinoa, and it may looks like a light dish. But in fact we need less quinoa than usual wholegrain dishes. If you eat too much of it, you will soon notice this!

Alternative base

1st method: If we do not have quinoa flour, we gan coarsely grind grains. 2nd method: cook grains in three time their volume of boiling water. After about ten minutes the grains ar cooked, when the white dot in the middle is disappeared. Thorougly drain water, and grind with a vegetable mill to obtain a pâté. passer au moulin à légume pour obtenir une purée. (It is somewhat difficult, as it passes slowly through the mill) Use this pâté as the base above.


You can use and reproduce these recipes... as long as you do not «forget» to tell that it is from me (Richard Trigaux) and where it comes from (this site)! For commercial use please contact me.


To become vegetarian


Added December 24, 2021: a new page, more complete and up to date with the latest scientific discoveries: how and why to become vegetarian!


To give up the «pleasure» of eating meat can have four motivations:

1) Economic rationality: to feed carnivores requires from four to ten times more cultivated fields than to feed vegetarians. This explains why Europe or the United States have only two to three hundred million inhabitants instead of a billion for China and India, however of comparable sizes and resources. A vegetarian civilisation can save much work and resources, or allow for far more peoples to live.

It is today harvested enought on Earth to feed seven billion peoples, and numerous hungry countries export corn toward rich countries cattle breeding farms. So it is quite clear than to stop hunger in the world, it is really useless to loose time into dangerous and costly utopias such as chemical farming or genetically modified crops, it is enought to share corectly. And we can immediatelly vote for this with our plates! Each vegan nourishes five citizens of poor countrie!

2) Hygiene and health: It is now scientifically demonstrated (studies of the American Dietetic Association) that to be vegetarian allows for a longer life, better health, while being a lower charge for society, especially at retirement time. The concept as what to be vegetarian would make us weak, or would compromise the children growth, is only phantasm or prejudice, which does not have any other justification than ideological.


3) Ethics: While being vegetarian, we do not create animal suffering, and we thus do not create the karma to suffer one day in turn.

4) Receptivity, feeling groovy: the sensory ways not being obscured by the strong and perverse feelings of meat (and also of alcohol, tobacco, black sodas, gastronomical sauces, and to a lesser extent of certain vegetables as onions) these sensory ways can more easily give us pleasure and poetry; we can rehabilitate them more quickly. This is also an advantage for the yogic and Tantric practices.

5) Recently a fifth motive added: the production of meat has a contribution of 5% to the greenhouse effect. This makes at least 5% that we can stop immediatelly, without any cost. We even can do it individually, without waiting for the governments to wake up. Unless one wants to show, by still eating meat, one's full agreement with the planetary suicide going on...

6) Still more recently (added 2009) a sixth motive added: Recent news (Avian flu, swine flu) point at the great animal concentration camps for butchery as the main source of epidemics. In the case of swine flu, the responsible camp could even be pointed at in Mexico. Dreadful promiscuity, deterent hygiena condition, exchanges or reproductors make of these concentration camps an ideal P4 genetic laboratory for the recombination and breeding of new viruses. And again, being hypocritical don't change the facts: if we obtain more «ethic treatment of animals» into democratic countries, the concentration camps will just be globalized in lawless countries... so the only pragmatic and realistic solution is to STOP all meat NOW.



-Make a clear choice. To know which «pleasures» we shall give up, and which efforts we shall have to endeavour. Because a flash in the pan motivation is extremely likely to miss at the time where things become difficult. To become vegetarian is a significant choice of life, a long-term commitment.

-To be proud of our choice, and not have any doubt. To know that we are on a good path, that we are positive for us and for the society.

-To assume in a constructive way the fact that we can be banned, not from the whole society, but of its more stupid and malicious elements. That we shall not be «like the others». In any case we shall more easily recognise our friends from our enemies, as the first will accept us in our choice.

-We should not therefore indulge in a manichean rejection of the society, nor in extravagant or sectarian attitudes.

-be wary of all who present vegetarism as an ideology or dogmatic choice, to which they oppose «tolerance». This is just an easy way to refuse the legitimity of a life choice which disturbs them, in refusing to see the profound motives and making of it a psychology problem, an ideology, a clan, a cult. Inconsciously, or sometimes very consciously, these persons reject the profound choices of life which lead to vegetarism (even if the claim to laquo;tolerate» it). Unless that, quite simply, these people are just paid by the meat lobby, which is very powerfull. How easy for them to infiltrate and take over organic or environment movements where one has «everyone his truth», where science as well as spirituality are seen as bad...

-Be wary of any non scientifically proven statement (Added 2009) Recently there is a new trend of rumors saying that soy, aspartame, gluten, and even wholegrain bread are toxic. At first it was amusing, but I note that this list, as at random, includes all the key elements for a correct alternative to meat and junk food. So I strongly suspect that these rumours are spread by meat or junk food lobbies, through reviews like «Nexus» which appeared from nowhere, and other advertising-supported medias, which also spread fancy science, false mysteries, materialism or cultist spirituality. This is going so far as these rumours becoming basic beliefs in the milieu of organic food, alternative medicines and New Age. To measure the extend of this morbid propaganda, just look at the french wikipedia page on gluten: 15% of it is to speak of gluten intolerance, which is a concern for a small number of people, when the french wikipedia page on milk just has one word on milk intolerance, which is a concern for at least 15% of children!

-It is necessary to know the principles of dietetics. If we only «stop the meat» without replacing its nutriments by vegetable foods, we take the risks for serious health problems, or at least failure by the reinforcement of the «meat hunger». However an excellent method precisely consists in «replacing» meat nutriments by equivalent vegetal nutriments, which leads to a fairly fast displacement of the hunger from meat to vegan food. This method produces safe results, long lasting and devoid of bad surprises, but it implies to know bases of dietetics. For that many books are available in the organic or vegan food shops. Some are scientific, others claim for founded or odd naturist methods, of which we can get inspiration, or get cautious.

Caution: I could personally see that some «diét shops» or even «organic shops» are completely ignorant of dietetics or vegetarism. Also avoid anti-vegetarian physicians, and all those who say «we need proteins so we need meat», all also all the false theories in the «alternative medicines».

-About possible failures and relapses, the two dangerous extreme attitudes are the culpability and thoughnessness. To feel guilty destroys our self-confidence and ruins our motivation; thoughnessness consists in denying that our misdemeanours and relapses are faults. However they definitively are, with respect to the animals which we make suffer, with respect to ourselves who break our commitments, or with respect to our loving relatives who granted us confidence. Thoughnessness is undoubtedly the principal cause of failure of the attempts of food reform or life reform in general, and it is then difficult to retry again. The most effective attitude is to develop a non-duality between our self confidence (in spite of the faults) and the recognition as faults of our faults, limits and incapacities. Therefore if we relapse in any harmful attitude, if one day we are unable to refuse a sausage (eventually because of a «buddy»), it should be clearly recognised that we faulted or broke a commitment, but we must not lose our self confidence for this, we must not fall into a guilty feeling. (Certain peoples recommend progressive reductions, transitions; strictly speaking they are also faults, but this can be a lesser evil than going too quickly, just to relapse soon after. Everyone will have to choose the strategy the most suitable for him). This attitude of non-duality is by far the most effective, and it is the only one which allows not to be made by the crafty ones who does not make any effort by themselves, but who, at our least mistake, will never fail to point out at us with a honeyed voice that «since you are vegetarian you should not eat that...». Such kind of remarks have a devastating effect on weak motivations, or even on strong motivations, when self confidence or social recognition are on the balance! Make your best to drive your caravan and let the dogs bark: they do not know the road. (Strictly speaking, no prophet never prohibited to give them clouts on the muzzle with your babouches).

-It is necessary to get connected with positive persons and sympathisers (associations of vegetarians such as the International Vegetarian Union, health associations) which will be able to help us in the event of still possible problems (difficulties of transition, relapses, problems of balance or deficiency, social discriminations, rationalist persecutions by «doctors», legal discriminations about children care...)

-The persons who became vegetarian in a sect may develop rejection for vegetarianism. This is really an error, because no matters how the vegetarian motivation came to us, what really matters is the result. These persons should however remember that the «teachings» of the sects are always truncated or warped: it is essential to re-examine our motivation and knowledge in dietetics in the light of more objective data.

-There are still nowadays people who affirm that we cannot be vegetarian, or more viciously that children cannot develop normally with a vegetarian diet. This is contradicted by the simple observation of hundreds of million Hindus or other Easterners who never absorbed a gram of fish nor of meat in their life, and who enjoy all their physical and intellectual faculties. Although it is in fact useless, many scientific studies came to confirm this point of view, as well as the positive social effects of vegan diet (happier old age and less charge for the society). We can quote the studies on the American religious group The Adventists of the Seventh Day, vegetarian but otherwise complying to the American standard way of life, and thus being an ideal comparison group. The most well known seems that of Mills PK, Beeson WL, Phillips RL, Fraser GE, from 1976 to 1982 (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994) showing less health problems among vegetarians. Numerous other studies show less health problems, better life expectation, and lesser health cost for the society, while prominent professional groups such as the American Dietetic Association make clear statements: «It is the position of The American Dietetic Association (ADA) that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases». We can thus consider vegetarianism (and in a lesser extend veganism) as scientifically valid. In a society which proudly claims to be democratic and rational, this scientific result engages everybody, and any discrimination against vegetarians is clearly a discrimination on a philosophical criteria. It is thus hypocritical or ninny today to be hostile to vegetarianism. In fact great progress were achieved on the level of acceptance of the vegetarians by the society, in particular at the occasion of family conflicts and children care, although discriminatory legal decisions are still possible, incentive with prudence and firmness...

-Contrary to a common but as much warped opinion, nobody eat meat for proteins (only the Westerners do that, for ideological reasons, or the hunting-fishing peoples who have only this source of proteins). The only «advantage» of the meat is to be a source of varied fat acids, essential in particular for young children to achieve development of nervous system. Put aside the carnivorous people already quoted, the majority of the peoples on Earth are «almost» vegetarians (African, Mediterraneans, Chinese, Arab, Westerners before mandatory meat...) and use meat only as a complement, for these fat acids (soup with a bacon piece in the Middle Age, couscous with a meat bit, eastern dishes «spiced» with meat or fish sauce...) In History, so that a people become completely vegetarian required two conditions: 1) A source of vegetal fat acids varied and of quality, likely in particular to ensure an optimal growth of the nervous system 2) An sufficient ethical or philosophical motivation. Mediterraneans, Arabs, African and Chineses met condition 1 but not 2; Tibetans, although having an very strong ethical motivation 2, could not become vegetarians because their harsh climate did not allowed them to cultivate vegetable oils of sufficient quality. Only the Hindus, Far Easterners or Japanese Buddhists met both conditions and developed a majority vegetarianism. Today the Occident and all democratic countries made available, thanks to modern transports, varied food and in particular suitable vegetable oils, which largely meet condition 1. However the refining destroys many of their properties: these oils must be organic or at least unrefined and extracted with cold pressure. There must be proposed a good variety of them, in particular to young children, in the form of seasoning oil, or dry fruits (nuts, hazel nuts...) accompanied by eggs and dairy products (and not of 0% fat content!) and not fried stuff, yuk yuk!

-On the other hand, a real problem to be accounted is that current vegetarian diets, usually based on food grains, even if they are wholegrain, have a slightly too high carbon hydrates versus proteins ratio (This is the famous C/N ratio, which rules much life process, especially compost running). Too high, obesity threatens (Chinese diet), too low, life expectancy drastically reduces (as low as forty or thirty, among the Inuits or the cowboys). For this reason traditional «near vegetarian» diets add a small quantity of concentrated proteins: soy (Tofu in Japan and China) or fish (Mediterranean diet). It is the reason (together with high quality vegetal oils) for what the later diet is especially health-efficient. A true vegetarian could choose tofu or prepared soy, seitan, or low cost dried soy proteins, or quinoa (an Andean grain) to be added in grain dishes. There may be some search to be done around the spirulin (80% of proteins).When we have taste adaptation problems, these foods are good meat substitutes.




Certain persons recommend to be veganist, i.e. to remove not only meat and fish, but also dairy product and eggs, thus any animal substances. From a philosophical or ethical point of view it is the best, because thus we do not any more maintain any form of animal exploitation. From a dietetic point of view this is theoretically possible, but it still seems difficult today to propose a really proven completely safe vegan diet, especially for young children. Personally I did not succeeded and I did not tested on my children. I think the main obstacle is not a matter of proteins, fat acid or vitamins, but of calcium (My own attempt was marked with such problems). Unfortunately the assimilation of calcium is complex, varies from a person to another, and involves various vitamins and other trace elements. I am not able to tell here any always efficient organic solution. This problem is to be studied carefully and without dogmatism, as we may have to accommodate with only «chemical» solutions. While awaiting to be able to build a completely veganist society, the best (or the least bad) is to make an animal breeding without violence, and at least to select dairy products which are guaranteed not to come from industrial breeding. In a longer run, it is clear that it must be one of the main priorities of the agronomic science to develop vegetable species with a low enough C/N ratio, balanced amino acids and higher vitamins content, authorising veganism for all.


Children may find many benefits to be vegetarian as soon as weaning. For who is even very little gifted to feel the vibrations of persons, the difference is enormous. It is already possible to recognise persons, even adult, who profited from a breast-feeding (gentler, more sensual, clear, more on Earth) instead of being victims of the feeding-bottle (more intellectual, less consistent, somewhat like the victims of tobacco). I did the experiment one day on a group, and my feeling proved almost always true. A vegetarian also makes the same impression (I was once able to see this in a couple hitch-hiking me on the border of the road, i.e. under conditions which hardly allow for a thorough introspection!). Between a vegetarian from birth and a big meat eater the difference is spectacular, as if these two beings were not made of the same matter; the first would be formed of a clean, clear and sensual living substance, the second of an opaque, dirty or pornographic matter. (No relation with the colour of skin, it often happens to me to feel some «Africans» clear and other «Europeans» dirty.)


With my opinion it would be useful to use agricultural methods of selection of plants, in order to produce more varieties correctly satisfying the needs of vegetarians, and even of veganists, (vitamins, amino acids, fat acids) without having to juggle to vary and balance menus. Example: there existed formerly excellent varieties of potatoes sufficiently rich in proteins to be used as a basic diet for people like the Irishmen. But the varieties since were selected on the stupid criterion of... making chips. Directly applicable ideas for small companies would be about the production of food supplements at low prices, guaranteeing a minimum contribution in vitamins and other noble elements. A good research objective would be to made easy to cultivate varieties, like African roots, with allow a Rwandan family to live all the year long on a small garden, without any other effort than to collect them. (the Jerusalem artichoke would match this definition, if there was varieties which do not disgust after only three meals. It may also be useful to have a glance besides the Peruvian Altiplano original potatoes). In the long term these varieties would make an excellent mean to all become veganist. Our relationship with the animal world would then be only ludic or educational, free of any exploitation or suffering.


Certain peoples feel that meat is a pleasure and regret, and even suffer to give it up. We should not regard this state of things as irreversible: the taste can be rehabilitated. I can attest it, myself who was a famous amateur of variegated pork sausages, I could give up that and do not any more suffer from this today, I even do not feel any temptation any more. A first method is to train oneself to think at our ethical motivation. A second method is to make dishes of food whole grains, so that the body could find the nutriments it is accustomed to find in meat. This quickly lowers the hunger of meat, to replace it by an hunger of grains. A third method is based on the fact that the tastes and odours of the meat are low vibrations, as well as the unhealthy satiety which we feel after having eaten some. To train ourselves to feel the higher vibrations of the flowers, of fruits, very effectively fights the attachment to low vibrations. The only risk would be that it is even too much easy: we could end up feeling dirty even the mean vibrations of vegetables and cereals. Thus let us keep some ballast in the boots, in order to keep some contact with the ground.



Last update: November 18, 2013.


The mother's milk is the best food for the baby, rich of all the nutrients he needs, plus antibobies ant other immunological protections.

But over all breastfeeding is the first occasion for receiving tenderness, the basis of the emotional balance and sensorial unfolding of the future adult. With my opinion to deprive the young child of this is a dangerous gesture with very visible consequences.


La Leche League International Non-governemental non-profit international Organisation, La Leche League works especially to help mothers against repression (breastfeeding in public) and manipulations (commercial interests, «medicinal» prejudices).

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(January 1st 2013) I created these pages in the beginning of the Internet, when we had to «surf on the web» to find sites. Then came Google and others, which made this search miraculously simple. So, for ten years I did not really updated these pages... However, since some years, I note that relevant sites are less and less visible in these search engines, hidden by an increasing number of verbiage pages supported by powerful financial means. And surreptitiously, the vital network of links which formed «the web» has disappeared: we no more control Internet! So I say to everybody:




Then I put these pages back in action.

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