Note 1: I specify Iranian for well emphasising that there is not only in the West that there is good science. In many other countries also exist intelligent peoples able to make beautiful things.
Note 2: Heuristics is a method which contributes to discovery, to knowledge. This word is weak where it is used here, because it is a matter of passing from an epistemological and logical system to another.
Note 3: The meditation is also a non-action (note 44) of the mind, where it contemplates the object of meditation (or the absence of object in certain exercises) without tension nor attempt. The meditative state can be acquired with adapted exercises, where the comprehension of what is necessary to do improves gradually.
Note 4: Guru. Of course it is necessary to understand this word in its exact and positive traditional meaning of spiritual teacher, and not in its deviated meaning of head of a cult (note 48). In our epoch of spiritual revival, such a confusion is not acceptable any more and I will consider it as a deliberate mind control attempt. It is exactly like if, after having been conned by a dubious banker, we use the word «banker» to mean a «swindler». OK, but what to do if we need a bank account? We speak about gurus at several places of this book, especially in chapter 50.
Note 5: Hypostasis, this word has the subtle sense of a concept, hidden or implicit, plated on another visible and expressed. The hidden concept unconsciously takes the place of the expressed one in the reasoning, thus leading to distorted and even catastrophic conclusions. The most common hypostasis is to see an human group as a clan: we then have the hallucination of all the members of this group having the same intent. This word has a more restrained meaning in Catholic philosophy.
Note 7: Utopia. An English philosopher, Thomas Moore, made the effort to invent this word to indicate a reality which was new for the time, and very useful: A project of society, an ideal mental construction with as a purpose: reflection and inspiration. For example the democracy Utopia. With these conditions it appears very manipulative to have pirated this word to use it in another meaning (impossible) which leads to nefarious confusions with the first (it would be impossible to improve the society...). We need to be careful, because all the dictionaries still contain this blunder, and some do not even mention the correct meaning. Of course I always use the word Utopia in his exact meaning of project, plan going in the direction of an improvement, and not in its newspeak meaning of impossible.
Note 8: Although we could examine the contribution of quadripolar logic to certain quantum non-dualities of particles, objects which are not always clearly separated. We could also use an hexapolar logic (see end of chapter I-6) for the chromodynamic quantum theory (Which states would occupy a prismatic volume). I leave these questions to people who know them better than me.
Note 9: The reader will thus wonder with a half smile how spiritual Masters and mystics could have existed before me. It is that I did not discovered anything; quadripolar logic was contained implicitly in the majority of the Eastern spiritual teachings; Its reasonings were used case by case individually, and I did nothing but extract it, show it, name it, generalise it and formalise it with the diagram. I would not even be surprised if the scholars of India find it explained in their ancient books, and sketches functioning like my diagram could decorate certain humanist books, or studies of psychology or sociology.
Note 10: Limited development. Without entering into exact but complicated mathematical definitions, let us say that functions are represented by curves on a diagram, which make possible to make quantity of calculations. For example the function sine is used in electricity, mechanics, cartography, astronomy... Unfortunately the function sine is transcendent, in the meaning that there exist no exact method to calculate the curve. But we can use simpler functions, for example a line, easy to calculate. This line is tangent with the sine curve at a certain place, then it moves away from there gradually. As long as we do not move too far away of the tengancy point, the error is tiny, in any case tolerable for the calculation which we make. If we want more accuracy, we can use a parabola instead of a line, or a series of other curves more complex but always calculable. This process is used very often, especially in the computers and all the pocket calculators.
Note 11: Marxism and capitalism: Yes, twins, because they differ only with one gene: one is the clan of the workers, the other that of the owners. Put besides this negligible detail, all their philosophical and metaphysical basements are identical. In terms of quadripolar logic, they are horizontally reciprocal situations (which differ only by an inversion from Yin to Yang or vice versa). As we can logically expect, despite so much sincere utopians who tried to do something good with the Marxism, the concrete results of both systems are very comparable, in particular on the environment.
Note 12: To visualise consists in forming a mental image, for example when the image of a scene is remembered. Imagination allows us to create new mental images. Many scientists wrongly use the word «intuition» for a «visualisation».
Note 13: At least as long as the system of collective control was allowed to function properly, which was not always the case (Gupta case in India, Lysenkism in USSR)
Note 14: Experiencer: this term seems to have been invented by people interested in the phenomena of abductions, about which I shall speak in chapter 67
Note 15: Let us quote for example the scientology «church» which tries to give itself a legitimacy with a kind of bogus «scientifical approach» that they compare with that of Buddhism.
Note 16: A Boddhisattva is a being who gives up his personal happiness, with as an aim to help others to be happy them too. This Buddhist concept can easily be extended to other spiritual paths. For example the Buddhists regard Jesus as a Boddhisattva.
Note 17: Semantics is the science which studies the meaning of the words, compared to the objects they designate. It makes the difference between an object, the word which refers to this object, and the concept (the idea we have of the object). This is what we do in chapter II-6. We can summarize semantics by saying: we cannot sit on the word «chair». Many politicians and pseudo-thinkers would earn a lot from learning semantics, because we often see them sitting on principles. They can, as long as it is us who feel the pain.
Note 21: Fractal. In a fractal space, patterns present at a certain scale of size are also found at other scales, smaller or larger (property known as of self-similarity, or scale invariance) This makes that the properties of the objects do not depend on their size. For example a fractal bird could fly whatever its size, whereas in our three dimensional universe a 10cm bird flies and one of ten meters does not fly.
Mathematically a fractal is a space with a fractional number of dimension, for example 2,5. In this case it is an intermediary between the plane and the volume. It can be for example a network of an infinite number of points separated by vacuums in three dimensions.
As soon as 1974, well before the fractals were discovered, I had imagined a fractal network of economic relations, which had the enormous advantage of not making depend the economic solutions on problem of scale, in particular in the delicate question of the power of basic peoples in large structures (Chapter 59). In this system, all the scales are the human scale. However I had not generalised the concept of fractal, nor given its mathematical definition, therefore I cannot claim to be the discoverer of it.
Note 23: The purpose of the palliative cares is to give again a worthy life to an ill person and his relatives, by suppression of the suffering (analgesia), an human listening and tender care. The results are often very interesting, in particular by the resolution of deeply anchored psychological problems, even with spiritual awakenings, at the propitious threshold of death.
Note 24: In this theory the planets were formed at the occasion of a quasi-collision of stars, an extremely rare phenomenon which condemned planets, and a fortiori life, to be very dispersed in cosmos.
Note 25: The Drake formula gives the probability of having inhabited planets by multiplying various estimations: that for a star to have planets, for a planet to be at the good distance, etc... The recent astronomical discoveries give fast increasing values to all these assumptions, except those within a more philosophical field, such as the lifespan of a civilisation, the only example we know not much raising optimism.
Note 26: SETI: Search for extraterrestrial Intelligence by the detection of radio waves supposed to be of technical origin, using a very powerful scanner able to analyse a very great number of frequencies at the same time. Indeed this task is immense and perfectly detectable waves could pass unperceived for years.
Note 30: Ummo case. In the years 1970, mainly in Spain, many scientists and journalists received letters from «Ummo extra-terrestrials» containing «scientific revelations». C. Poher, director of the GEPAN at that time, had made an optical expertise on the photos of the «Ummo saucer», showing their falseness without any ambiguity. However the authors and the motivation of this trickery, as well as its complex political ramifications, are still disputed.
Despite this, these letters are still presented by some as true extraterrestrial messages, and, as such, placed by them on the Internet, in order to «counteract the censorship». I read some of them, and found only bad science-fiction, not much incentive to spend time to discuss this case.
Note 31: Trans en Provence, France: A witness saw a small object in the shape of a rugby ball briefly run up against the ground, leaving blackish traces. Precise analyses showed modifications of the chemical composition of the ground and spectacular deteriorations of the metabolism of the grasses around the contact point. Although it is uneasy to guess how to interpret these analysis, they are regarded as one of the most serious evidence of the physical reality of the UFOs, especially from the fact that they were carried out by an official organisation using a controlled and rigorous methodology.
Note 32: X files. It is really necessary to qualify this series of an horror movie, which, with some others as «Alien», gave an alarming image of extraterrestrial (voluntarily? To thwart «ET» and «Close Encounters of the Third Kind»?).
Note 33: Bénard cells: usually, hot water, lighter, goes up. In a heated container, under certain conditions water circulates and forms a regular alternance of rising hot columns and downing cooled columns: the Bénard cells, which form regular patterns, hexagonal or square. In icy water the phenomenon is reversed, because water becomes less and less dense as it approaches the freezing point. Below approximately four degrees hot water (or rather less cold) goes down. There are still Bénard cells, but the circulation is reversed.
Note 35: Decoherence. Quantum information (superimposed states not yet expressed) is lost as soon as an information comes out of the studied quantum system (by a contact, a photon, etc...) and this system becomes «ordinary» (only one state). It is the decoherence, which usually occurs in so short a time that we cannot even measure it. This makes that it seems at first sight impossible to build a quantum computer. However the discovery of simple systems with decoherence time of several minutes started again the debate, «except in France...». More generally, the decoherence is what makes that the quantum world of the particles behaves in the strange way that we know, whereas the ordinary world (objects formed of a great number of particles) generally does not show quantum effects.
Note 36: Self-contained sets. For example if we considers all the sets having more than n elements. As there is an infinity of sets having an infinite number of elements, whatever n there is an infinity of sets of more than n elements. Therefore the set of the sets with more than n elements has itself more than n elements. It absolutely is an element of itself. In more as there are an infinity of values of n, the sets of this type are in an infinite number.
Note 40: Sakya Trizin is the actual head of one of the four schools of the Tibetan Buddhism, the Sakyapas, which dates from the 11th century. He is also one of the greatest spiritual Masters living today on Earth, and a character who can be at the same time very impressive and very simple, very human.
Note 41: «Abstract» means literally «extracted from» and was first used about logical relations and mathematical structures we can find on concrete objects. But it was quickly generalized to anything which cannot be directly sensed or experienced with the sensory organs. This word often contains an hypostasis (note 5) of «inexistant» or «imaginary». For this reason we thoroughly avoided to use this word, except between quotation marks, to point at the speech of whose who use it.
Note 42: Chinese Fascists I avoided to write sentences such as «the Chineses invaded Tibet» to be respectful for the Chinese people itself. The Chineses of China had as much to suffer from oppression by this violent, perverse and lying government, which, from opponent source, was responsible of the death of more than one hundred million Chinese. See also note 63.
Note 44: Non-action. As we saw in chapter I-3, it is a non-duality between the fact of acting and the fact of making nothing useless.The prefix non- should not be understood here as a complete negation (chapter I-3) (to make absolutely nothing) but an absence of useless action, non-adapted to the situation, rising only from our grasping, our self-centredness, our uncontrolled emotions, our neuroses, our prejudices... The non-action is the right action, it can be indeed to do nothing, or just a little, but it can sometimes be very brutal, if the situation justifies this.
In 2003 in Bhutan, and in 2009 in Sri Lanka, terrorists had good opportunities to meditate the non-action of their respective governments. These places are quite calm since.
Note 45: The principle of the Occam razor, or economy of assumptions, states that among several assumptions it is generally better to choose the simplest, or the less we can. It is often held up as if it was an absolute law (c.f. the movie «Contact») by opponents to spirituality or to extraterrestrial life, and generally by followers of the materialist reductionism. But with using the Occam razor too much it may become blunt, because reality is not inevitably simple; sometimes complex or apparently illogical assumptions prove to be good. This second principle (of accepting sometimes odd assumptions) was called «logical annealing», in comparison with the metallurgical annealing process which breaks useless molecular links and allows to rework the metal. Its purpose is to get our reasonings out of their ruts, to allow them for some altitude, to set out again in a better direction. I myself used it to produce the content of this book, which is an incredible bridge between very different domains, and which inevitably escapes any attempt to reduce it to «something already known». The Occam razor is, and is only, a good heuristic principle (note 2) to use with moderation. If Volta had applied it, he would not have accepted the hypothesis of an «unknown electrical fluid», and he would not have discovered electricity. The principle of the Occam razor does not determine reality. It is even not a demonstration of anything.
Note 48: Cults. In all this text, I use the word «cult» only in the nowadays pejorative meaning of a dangerous organisation, or displaying a fancy spirituality, and not in the ancient neutral meaning of small spiritual organisation. Everyone should be careful to this distinction, especially in reading texts from before the 1970'. More, this change in the meaning is not accepted by all in the English speaking countries, where cults are less criticised, and the ancient meaning is still used today (2000). We must be also careful to a common manipulation, where this word is used abusively, with purpose of repressing spirituality, with systematically calling it cult.
Note 52: Sensitive dependency to the initial conditions. In chaotic systems (note 70), a tiny variation at a given moment produces an effect which always goes growing with time. Variations as tiny as they are at the beginning always end up having a determining effect in the more or less long term. This long term is thus unpredictable.
Note 60: Conviviality. In 1973 a French philosopher, Ivan Illich, in a book «La convivialité», among various social theories, proposed this word to indicate a social, economical or technical system which could be easily appropriated by persons by imposing less constraints: social difficulties, technical complexity, need for specialised knowledge, distanciation, pollution, solution found in a place at the expense of other difficulties elsewhere, hidden or unexpected harmful consequences... We could translate this by social-friendly, ecology-friendly, people-friendly, etc... This concept and this word were sufficiently publicly used by ecologists so that it can be regarded as a part of the general knowledge from this time, in the meaning defined by its inventor.
In French, a weakened but still acceptable meaning appeared about in 1978 in computer science (user-friendly) and then, in French again, a deviated meanings: jovial, communicative, who likes fun and feasts (confusion with «convive», French for guest) and finally in the worst newspeak: pornography, alcohol drinking, etc...
This example is typically the kind of language manipulation which I denounce, when they are due to stupidity as well as when it is a conscious and deliberated mind control. The fixity of the definition of a word is at the very base essential to our freedom of expression (Otherwise the meaning of a text varies with time, together with its historical interpretation, as in the Orwell's «1984», where one makes revisionism without being conscious of it) especially when an author, whatever he is, tried hard to reflect, to create a concept, and to find a name to it. Especially when a concept has a significance very useful for the comprehension and the resolution of our problems! Then do not touch «my» words ©©©©©©© otherwise grr...
Note 61: Cold fusion. About in 1990 some researchers affirmed somewhat hastily to have obtained nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen at ambient temperature, using chemical catalysts and electrolysis. This affair made a great noise, because of the enormous hope of obtaining a source of very abundant energy. Disappointment was only harder and taught a lesson to the scientific community about such spectacular announces.
Note 62: Memory of water. About in 1990 a French researcher named Benveniste, known for his supports to alternative medicines, announced to have found a materially observable effect of great homeopathic dilutions, using a super sensitive equipment. The refutation was somewhat delicate, but sufficient (background noise of equipment, residues on the containers...). As for cold fusion (note 61) the scientific community was taught a lesson, but we shall note anyway that, as soon as Benveniste's announcement, and despite the disturbing confirmation of homeopathy that it implied, more than ten laboratories in the world attempted to reproduce the experiment, and the scientific popularisation reviews published several papers on it. So we are far of a «stupid censorship» from scientists.
Note 63: To reduce to two clans the inhabitants of two countries in war. (see reductionism, chapter II-7) It is quite obvious that the inhabitants of a given country have a whole variety of opinions and behaviours, and when this country starts a war, it will be inevitably with the disapproval of a part of its citizens. This is well known, since «mechanisms» were envisaged (conscription, military «courts», requisition, forced draft...) to force the citizens to anyway take part in the war. This is always true, even in extreme cases, as for the German army during the second world war: Certain German soldiers refused to take part in the massacres of Jews (hitler itself had left them this possibility!) Without counting the officers who refused to execute the command to destroy Paris, or tempted to eliminate the führer. This is why it is not fair that ALL the German prisoners in Russia were send in concentration camps (no one returned) or that ALL the Japaneses residing in the USA were parked in misery camps, whereas ALL the German prisoners in the West were released as soon as the war finished, including whose who voluntarily accepted to do acts of war. It is thus very generally not possible to make bear the responsibility of a war to ALL the citizens of a country, nor to even exonerate of any responsibility the citizens of an attacked country (still about nazism, let us quote the guilty blindness of the dull democracies, collaboration...). It is even often impossible to arrange them in camps in all or nothing, because each individual is complex (Many Germans who adhered to nazism made this naively, without examining all the implications, and regretted it after. For us who know the end of the story, no hesitation is possible, but for those who were immersed at that time in propaganda and terror, it was quite less simple and much more courageous to make the good choice...) Thus the view «the good Frenchs» and «the bad Germans» is false and dishonest, even in the case of the nazism. If we have to intervene in this kind of situation, pay attention to this dualism, which often made more bloodshed than the starting aggression.
Note 65: Casimir Effect. This curious effect makes that two very close mirrors, in vacuum, are attracted by a force, very weak but which could be measured. Interpretation is that the fluctuations of the vacuum produce a slight pressure on the objects, but between the two mirrors certain fluctuations cannot develop, from where a loss of pressure at this place. A vibrating mirror should emit, according to certain quantum theories, some photons. However it is a very weak effect which is still not observed today (2000). Experiments are in preparation.
Note 67: Condensation of Böse-Einstein. It is there too a very curious phenomenon predicted by Quantum Mechanics and really observed recently. The ordinary matter particles obey the laws of Fermi-Dirac, which prohibit them to be several at the same place (more precisely not in the same quantum state, complex concept involving the place and energy, and which are «numbered» by integers) This property is at the origin of the ordinary matter appearing solid and incompressible (when the authorised zones «touch» each other). On the contrary, the particles of light (photons) obey the laws of Böse-Einstein, which authorise them to be superimposed in an infinite number at the same place: beams of light cross and go through each other without disturbing each other. The photons can even be superimposed exactly in the same state, as in a laser.
But it is also possible to make behave the ordinary matter according to laws of Böse-Einstein, under certain conditions, in particular of extreme cold, very near to the absolute zero (of millionth of degrees!). One thus observed atoms gathered in only one «giant atom» identical to an individual atom, except for the mass, and even the equivalent of a matter «laser»: atoms with perfectly identical movements! More surprising, in this new matter state, the light moves at a speed of ... a few metres per second!
Note 72: incommensurable. Usually this word is understood as «very big», but the correct meaning is «which cannot be measured in the same way». The length and width of a rectangle can be measured with the same unit, even if they are very different. But its color and its length cannot: they are incommensurable. A fortiori emotions cannot be measured with any ruler, and we can even not associate them a number expressing their intensity.
Note 73: Branes and multiple universes. Physics, exploring time backward, discovered that in ancient times, the universe existed in a very small and dense state, probably starting from a zero size, which would have dilated, undergoing a gigantic explosion. This is commonly refered as the Big Bang. The problem which arises at time zero is that, without space, no physical law can play (This is the problem of the singularity). Things get much worse if we consider what could have happened «before» the Big Bang, what provoked it: space and even time being created at the time of the Big bang, there is no sense to speak of «before» the Big Bang! This situation will make a (non dogmatic) Christian feel easy, as he will see in the Big Bang the instant of the Creation. But physicists are much disturbed, as they do not see how such an important event could have taken place without any material cause to provoke it.
An attempt of physicists to go round the problem is the one I myself imagined as soon as 1971: our universe with three dimentions would be included in an universe with four dimensions, or more, in the same way a surface with two dimentions (such as the surface of a sphere) is included into our universe with three dimentions.
If we imagine two spherical surfaces (membranes, with two dimensions in this case) which go into each other, their intersection, with one dimension, is a circle, which diametre, starting from zero, starts to grow very fast, and then more slowly. Some physicists think that our universe with three dimensions could be the intersection of two «surfaces» with four dimensions (the branes, «membranes» with more than two dimensions), which movement would produce the Big Bang and the expansion which followed. However the irregularities of expansion speak against this theory.
A more crafty view is to think that our universe may have a more complex shape than the traditionnal hypersphere (equivalent of the surface of a sphere, but in three dimentions in place of two). In this case, we could have a succession of Big Bangs, giving an universe in the shape of grape fruit. Or our universe would inflate in the way of these saucage shaped balloons used in fairs, where the already inflated parts sill more inflate, when a not yet inflated tail remains small. If this was true, then the Big Bang would be a permanent event, which would still be happening somewhere: our universe would have an umbilic.
These four dimention physics (hyperphysics) could explain the Big Bang. However they just reject the ultimate explanation of existence into an untestable domain... with no more cause than the simple theory
Note 75: Juridical Positivism. Conception proposed par Auguste Comte, which justifies moral and laws only with autority and consensus, without ever basing it on fundamental values such as compassion or avoiding suffering. The very obvious inconvenience is that if the ideas of the marquis de Sade became the majority, then rapt, rape and torture would become legal and would be considered as «legitimate», and we would be unable to question them.
Note 77: Pascal's Wager. At an epoch where the libertine movement was starting to challenge the religious authority, thinkers like Blaise Pascal tried to defend religion on the very intellectual ground of the libertines. However, without being able to rely on the challenged dogma, he quickly stumbled of the problem of the intestability of the existence of God. Pascal's Wager shows that, in the uncertainty, to accept the existence of God, and to behave accordingly, brings many benefits, without losing anything essential. But we shall see in chapter V-5 and following on God, that, even if most dogma about Him are really intestable and useless, on the other hand His very existence is perfectly testable. But it is so simple and so obvious that very few cared of it...
The reasoning about Pascal's Wager is in facts so simple, that I was able to lead it myself, at the age of 10 (about 1963), without any guidance or contact with any other philosophy. Even if I wanted to be a scientist (which in this epoch was meaning atheist), I easily noticed the ethical value of the religious message (of Jesus in the instance). So it was easy to understand that my interest was to behave in an ethical way, and to make of the love of others one of the great directions of my life (what I am still doing today, 50 years later). With such a commitment, even if the speech of the priests turned to be strictly true, God would pardon me not to have trusted the said priests, while dropping ethics would be an unforgivable fault, even for people with their knees worn by the Mass.
Note 79: epicycles. Epicycles were supplementary circles used by astronomers, to calculate the movement of the planets within the Ptolemy system, where the Earth was supposed to be at the centre of the solar system. Copernicus and Galileo found that the Earth is not at the centre, but that it rotates around the sun instead. This made the complex apparent movement of the planets a simple effect of perspective, seen from the moving Earth. So epicycles were no longer necessary.
So, the word «epicycle» can be used to mean something useless, which does only complicating things, but is felt as necessary due to our wrong understanding of a simpler problem.
Note 80: zombies. The far right subculture sees them as characters of horror films. However I use this word only in its original meaning: a living human being, but deprived of his will, and used as a slave. Such cases were observed in Haiti, and they have nothing magical: these people were just poisoned by powerful drugs inhibiting the normal functioning of the brain. I actually saw people taking this drug, and they really were in a state of mental confusion depriving them of any proper will and memory.
Note 81: Eugenics is a set of methods for obtaining a better offspring for mankind. Eugenics is often equated with nazism, because of their noisy claims in this area. This is very damaging, because there are many very valid reasons for wanting to improve the human race, beginning with not transmitting genetic diseases, as it is already done today. But it is true that there are also nefarious methods and motives in this area. This is discussed in chapter V-7.
Note 82: psychedelic which enhances or produces emotions and imagination. Often confused with strange, gaudy, or mistakenly associated to only drugs.
Note 83: The Marquis of Sade is certainly the most controversial author in all times: considered as a divine apostle of freedom by some, or as a criminal perverts by others. If we stick to the facts, he advocated sexual freedom (including homosexuality and sadomasochism), but he also forced many servants in his sadistic games, kidnapped a woman for several months, and had an affair with a 13 years old minor (the daughter of his jailer!). These minor or non-consenting victims clearly show that the freedom of Sade is an individualistic freedom, self-centred, ready to crush others for his only good pleasure. Such an inextricable mixture between two contradictory values make that any dualistic judgement (chapter I-5) on Sade is especially dangerous. For example the Church condemned him for his crimes, but they condemned sexual freedom altogether, which was later one of the causes of the rejection of religions. The libertine movement loved him for sexual freedom, but this lack of discernment inevitably led to the «brave new world» we are seeing today:
Indeed, although his books remained officially banned for two centuries, the ideas of Sade spread surreptitiously, especially among the «elite» and the privileged. And they are now widely popularized by a materialistic and individualistic «left wing» imposing in bulk reproductive slaves (known under the euphemism of «surrogate mothers»), children used as sex fantasies (known under the euphemism of «homosexual adoption»), the return of repudiation (divorce on a simple request), partners to consume and to discard, sex in the denial of love, etc. (chapter VI-5). And when we see the small smirk of these men in the media, we nearby hear the triumphant sneer of the ugly Marquis, from his cell in the insane asylum of Charenton, with his hand in the undies of a girl...
It is this form of so-called «freedom» or so-called «hedonism» at the expense of others that I call «Sadian».
And that I condemn categorically, as seen in chapter VI-2 on self-centredness.
We study in chapter V-5 and chapter VI-5 what real freedom is, including sexual freedom with partners that we respect.
These chapters also define happiness, more like a feeling of deep adequacy of our lives toward the profound purposes of consciousness, rather than a simple search of hedonic pleasures. A finally frustrating craving, as of a drug.
Note 84: The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition where an hostage ends up to think like his captor, and becomes afraid of the police who wants to liberate him. This is a psychological problem which happens in really dangerous situations, which must not be confused with the case where the captor defends a fair cause and attracts the sympathy of people (like Robin Hood).
Note 85: Strategy, in logic and in computer science, refers to a plan of action, in order to achieve a goal, without connotations of conflict or violence. However I am not sure that borrowing to the military vocabulary was really neutral... «action plan» would have worked as well, without requiring to dispel this misunderstanding.
Note 86: Manichaeism Historically, it was a religion in the IIIrd century considering the world as the theater of an eternal fight between the good (the light) and the evil (darkness). This word is used to mean a vision in all or nothing, without nuance. Given that it is an interesting religion, we should prefer the word «dualism» to mean the absence of nuances.
Note 87: Cool: this word was created by the Hippies, to mean «non-violent», or more generally calm and easy to live with. Since it passed in Newspeak to mean «fashioned», cynical and materialistic (rap, tags, violent video games, gangs, etc.). This is a really dirty scam, and it is not old foggeys in black suits who did it...
Note 88: Connectome: The set of all the values of the synapses of all the neurones of the brain. After the neural reduction theory, the connectome is enough to code our personality, our learnings, our memories. Hence the idea that it would be enough to transfer the connectome in an electronic brain to reproduce our personality, and then ensure our survival after death in a robotic body or in a virtual world.
However the neural reduction theory ignores consciousness. It is then unable to ensure that the consciousness is really transferred by this method. See the whole discussion in chapter V-18.
Note 89: The «zonards» (French name) were kinds of tramps who showed a similar culture than the Hippies, and later the communities. Thus they were able to enter these milieus without people being wary of them. Once installed in a place, they showed their true mindset: dirty, parasitic, egocentric, lazy, manipulative, drugged, and even sometimes violent. Their presence was a major cause of failure in many social experiments, all the more easily that we «had to» be «toleeerant» toward them, in the name of the values of these movements.
In one instance, I allowed one in my own home. I soon had 15 of them, forbidding me to sleep, and attracting the police with drug stories. In the end it is me who had to leave. This is why I had to settle their account here, lol
Note 90: The libertarianism is a far right ideology, which does not advocate the use of violence, but which wants to suppress the State, in order to leave free room for wild capitalism, immorality, etc. They play on the confusion with the libertarian ideal of the anarchists, using the same concepts for opposite purposes of the elimination of freedom and elimination of the respect of individuals.
The application of the libertarian ideas would result in a return of a feudal state, under the rule of the strongest.
Note 91: «Quantum» and «Copenhagen Interpretation». Although these words have quite well defined and unequivocal meanings, newspeak (chapter VI-12) still could be introduced here by pseudosciences and crooks, selling fake «quantum medicine» and other balderdashes. This newspeak is of course harmful to science, but it especially impacts this book. Indeed, the later says that some quantum-like behaviours are not specific to physics, but are more general laws in many other realms, including consciousness. This should normally allow for analogies or generalisations such as «quantum consciousness» and even «Copenhagen interpretation of consciousness» (chapter V-2). But now, how to be taken seriously by scientists, after they got their ears stuffed with the newspeak sense? (See also chapitre VII-4) This newspeak clearly is an attack on freedom of expression, and I defend myself by still using these words, with this note each time (and quotation marks, to avoid confusion). This is part of the defence of freedom of expression, through a well-defined, non-changing and univocal language.
Note 92: «scientistist» Sorry for this little known word, it is all what I found as tranlation of the French «scientiste». This means somebody who claims to be a scientist, but who is in fact in a belief in science, instead of applying the method. Such people often hold dangerous ideologies as being «the science», such as materialism, denegation of consciousness, amorality, nuclear power, technocracy, etc. It is important to understand that scientistism is not science, and a critic of scientistism is not a criticism of science. However it is also important to understand that in a science funded by materialistic governments and capitalist companies, true scientists risk their careers if they hold certain views. This makes scientistism rampant in the whole science community.
Still they are the ones who created this word, and I regularly see the concept used in science reviews.
Note 93: A © sign after one of the words I invented does not mean that I forbid using this word. But this still means that you must use it only in the meaning I defined, with a reference to my work, even (and especially if) you criticize it. This is to avoid the appearance of a jargon or newspeak (chapter VI-12) of misleading terms.
Please especially consider what happened to words like «utopia» and «conviviality»:
The word «utopia» was coined by the philosopher Thomas Moore, to mean a project for society. It has been made Newspeak to mean «impossible», by the life haters.
The word «conviviality» was coined by the philosopher and sociologist Ivan Illich. In his book «Conviviality», he writes: «I call a convivial society a society where the modern tool is at the service of the person integrated into the community, and not at the service of a body of specialists. Convivial is the society where people control the tool». This word was made newspeak by the French bobo newspaper «libération», to mean «who meets in pubs» or «who likes good meals».
Don't do that with «my» words. When I die I shall come to pull your feet at night.
Note 94: Fallacy I took this word to the French version, because ot does not have any real translation here. While a sophistry is intently trapped to induce errors, a «fallacy» is not necessarily a lie, it can be a belief. While sophistry always is a lie.
Note 95: Naturalist fallacy This is the idea of an intrinsic inferiority of the artificial over the natural. For example, a synthetic vitamin is necessarily «denatured». Or GMOs are necessarily toxic. Or a person born from eugenics would be inferior.
Naturalism has no scientific basis. Especially, nature has no intelligence of its own, producing positive results only at the cost of many painful mistakes. A molecule, for example, is described by a few quantum numbers, which does not allow it to store information about its origin, natural or artificial.
However, it is often true that fiddling with nature without accounting with its complexity always produces bad results. Over its millions of years, nature has produced many optimisations, and it has graced us with sophisticated protective instincts (Chapter V-16)
Nor should we stick to the pessimism of materialist science, which denies any magic to nature. Nor should we allow this sadomasochistic society to break all the egregores with its pollution, its lawnmower noises and its refusal of life. On the contrary, our role is to magnify nature, whether by our concrete action (chapter VI-14) or by spiritual means (chapter V-7).
Note 96: ego. In psychology and in the media, a common custom is to say that the ego is our personality. In spirituality, the ego is the wrongful desire to be special or to manage everything, by opposition with our true self. (Dictionaries give very variable or fantasy definitions, but at least one confirms those two meanings). I chose to follow the more competent advice from spirituality, and to keep the word «personality» for the first case. So that we do not need to bring confusion with using the same word for two opposed meanings.
We see in chapter V-10 From «General Epistemology», that the ego results from the uncontrolled functioning of our material brain, while our true personality arises from our immaterial consciousness. See this chapter for more detailed information on the nature of the ego, and what to do with it.
Note 97: bobo. This French-only expression is the contraction of two words: «bourgeois bohême». «Bourgeois» is understood as a person making ostentation of wealth while expressing contempt for the poorer. «Bohême» was the word before the Hippies: idealized Gypsies, living and travelling freely out of materialistic values. The expression «bobo» then points at the contradiction between their advanced social, political or spiritual pretence, while displaying ab egoistical and contemptuous way of life negating these values. Such a fundamental contradiction tells that the advanced pretenses of the bobos are not sincere, see that they are mocking. In the case of a media, it is a deliberate manipulation: il caricatures these values, in order to better denigrate them, after the principle of boosting disinformation.
There is no direct translation in the English languages, since in the US culture it is deemed legit to make ostentation of wealth. So the contradiction between ostentation of wealth and advanced values is not as obvious. However the thing exists as well, and the best approximate is the Yuppies, or the Burning Man attendees.
Il is to be noted that in French this word has been stolen and made newspeak by the idiots, to denigrate in whole and without nuance everything they do not like: the Left, ecology, the social, feminism, the LGBT, spirituality, science, music, peace, freedom, etc. Thus we must ignore this meaning: we are not supposed to read all the rants of these people.
There is no real equivalence either with the US expression «woke». This expression is borne Newspeak, so to say, to denigrate everything the idiots do not like: the Democrats, ecology, the social, feminism, the LGBT, spirituality, science, music, peace, freedom, racial equality, etc. Thus there is no legit use of the expression «woke», which is intrinsically an insult against everybody.
Note 98: Explanation of the symbols of the main discoveries of General Epistemology:
•At left: symbol of quadripolar logic, with horizontally a Yin-Yang dialectic, and a vertival good/bad axis, see chapter I-4.
•In the middle: symbol of the logical self generation theory: the nib, see chapter III-4.
•At right: symbol of a cyrlikar, chapter V-19, bijective correspondence between the learnings of a neural network and the experiences that consciousness imputes to it.
The background is one of my virtual scenes, a elven region called Lysaer.
Note 99: «silovik» is a russian word meaning «man of the force», that is a man who is allowed to use force against the other citizens. In the putin regime, they are a gang of corrupt cops, forfeit magistrates, military rapists, paranoid secret agents, who use this force for the shady coups of the government: intimidation, murders, kidnapping, and so on. But they can also play for their own fun. See chapitre V-13
In a democracy, it is not supposed to be siloviks. However there are, who act for their own fun. If, for instance a social worker and a magistrate form a gang, then they can have fun intimidating and accusing people. I saw two cases in France, in more of the Outreau affair. Worse, Pôle Emploi, the french employment agency, routinely uses intimidation methods to make unemployed people renounce their rights. I was a victim of this too.
Note 100: «hezb*****» This name is supposed to mean «Party of Allah». I replace with *****, out of respect, not to include His name in the name of a criminal organization.
Note 101: «Exoteric versus esoteric» Avoid gobbledygook: in a spiritual practice, «esoteric» is the «invisible» part which takes place in our mind, for example a visualisation. «Exoteric» is then the visible part, such as ritual objects, sculptures, etc. Under these conditions, an «esoteric symbol» (Chakra, Sephirah, Vajra...) symbolises a thought action. It is «mysterious» or «incomprehensible» only if you have not learnt it. Just like maths.
Note 102: «Scalar» Conspirationism about Nicolas Tesla often agitates a «scalar field», without defining what it is, just to look scientific. In reality, the definition is very simple: a scalar field is a field which can be described with a single number at each point. For example, the altitude on a map is a scalar field. Or the pressure in a fluid. Conversely, a vector field requires several values. For example, the slope on a map is a vector, which requires two values, a direction and an intensity. Tesla's mistake was to reason by analogy with sound waves, of which there is a scalar variety: pressure waves. But this analogy does not work with electromagnetic waves, which exist only in a vector version. For information, there also are tensors, which are matrixes, that is arrays of numbers. A mechanical force tending to deform a solid requires a tensor. Or the curvature of space-time around a mass.
Scenario, graphics, sounds, colours, realization: Richard Trigaux (Unless indicated otherwise).
Modified in 2024
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2) You can use the expressions marked with a copyright sign ©, to the conditions 2-1) to tell that the author is Richard Trigaux, 2-2) to make a link toward the definition, et 2-3) not to distort the meaning.
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