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General Epistemology        Chapter VII-4       


VII-4 Appearance Modalities of psychophysical phenomena



Warning, added July 23, 2018: several boosting disinformations such as «quantum medicine» forced me to change the original title «VII-4 How psychophysical phenomena may be quantified», in order to avoid my work to be confused with this stuff. Also see Note 91.

For the same reason I also added quotation marks like here: «quantum», in order to differentiate the «quantun» analogy of consciousness from the real quantum physics. Although the idea is more a generalisation than an analogy.

Indeed, this chapter must not be understood as a naive or fraudulent invocation of quantum physics to «explain» the psychophysical phenomena (parapsychological). This is totally unrelated. And anyway I manage very well for this, without needing this caution.

The true reason of this title was that this chapter assumes that any logical self-generation process being «quantum», including consciousness, then these phenomena must also occur in a «quantum» way. This observation can help understand their way of appearing and their operation.

But there are important differences too. Therefore we cannot just take a theorem of physics and apply it to consciousness.

Reminder: quantum physics

(Permalink) We indeed saw in chapter IV-8 that physics is necessarily quantum, because of mathematical impossibility to solve the general case of the continuous differential equations of the fields theory. Indeed, if a point of the universe is influenced by its environment, then this environment includes this point itself, which creates a paradox.

The way reality resolves this paradox (chapter III-3, rule 7) is a one-time action, called quantum interaction in Physics: the reality jumps instantly from one state to another. The fields and the position of the particles are changed in a single operation, called nib in the theory of the logical self-generation, or quantum interaction by physicists. This modification happens in a perfect random (being a resolution of a paradox, it obeys no determinism), while being guided through a range of values determined by the surrounding elements (fields, other particles, etc.) in a way to eliminate any unnecessary arbitrary change (principle of economy of absurdity, chapter V-7).

So, the logical self-generation theory perfectly demonstrates the quantum physics according to the Copenhagen interpretation. And even further, because it shows that there are no hidden variables, while the Copenhagen scientists only said that we cannot find any. This led us to a positive formulation of the Copenhagen interpretation: logical relationships between the elements of the universe are enough to describe it, including our feeling that the universe «exists» and is «objective», without any need to assume that these elements would exist absolutely, as by magic.

Reminder: «quantum» consciousness (Note 91.)

(Permalink) However, we also saw (chapter III-6 and chapter III-8) that exactly the same metaphysical or logical principles apply to consciousness. Indeed, there is no difference in existential or metaphysical statute between a physical object (particle, field...) and an object of the experience of consciousness (image, sound, feeling...), and so everything which applies to the physical world is therefore also true for consciousness. And it is easy to check that consciousness (our individual consciousness, or the consciousness «universe» of the dream, the NDE, etc.) also self-generates by «quantum» leaps (chapter V-2), even if we are usually not aware of this, since there is no defined reality between two jumps. We even found in consciousness many «extraordinary» quantum phenomena, such as an ambiguous situation («quantum mixing»), which reificates into one of the different possible interpretations.

We even found a «Copenhagen interpretation» of consciousness (chapter V-2), where, just as in physics, consciousness does not need «something» which would support it and would make it «exist»: no self-existing soul, no divine intervention at every street corner, in clear no hidden variables. Just as in physics, consciousness exists and runs as a simple sequence of elements which chain each other after some logical laws specific to this domain, without no need to assume that these elements «exist» absolutely somewhere. For example, in a dream (chapter V-8), a sound may become a word, then the word become a meaning, the meaning a stake, etc.

So we should not be astonished if we find in consciousness influences (such as the fields of Physics) which affect the likelihood of events of occur (similar to the quantum leaps of Physics). These influences will promote or inhibit these jumps, but each jump is indeterminate, within the limits assigned by the «fields».


But there is an important difference between the elements of physics and the elements of the consciousness experience: they are not the same type of logic (chapter I-7). Thus, the elements of physics can be formalized using mathematical tools such as vector spaces or differential equations, while quantum states are represented by sets of integers. On the other hand, the elements of the experience of consciousness can neither be formalized nor measured. They obey different logics, such as fuzzy logic or non-duality (chapter I-3), or even they are transcendent (in the mathematical meaning of this word, chapter I-9). Thus, only a non-dualistic state of consciousness, such as meditation (which uses our neural network in their natural way, instead of making them simulate logic circuits, chapter I-3), can understand how these things work.

However this does not fundamentally change the results. Thus the «quantum leaps» in the domain of consciousness will remain constrained by different influences (the «fields»), with only more fuzzy or varied results, more unexpected. A bit as if a photon could turn into a gluon if this would lead to more interesting results. We actually find such legerdemain plays in the field of consciousness, for example the «unexpected» or «illogical» pardon to the German people, which turned the terrible nazi Europe in the united and peaceful Europe we know today (written in 2014... keeping cautious for the continuation, since the sadomasochistic austerity policies are recreating the conditions which led to nazism).


Another important difference is the role of entropy. In physics, entropy is «evil» (with quotation marks, since there is no defined good or evil in physics. This just means that entropy opposes our goals). On the other hand, in the field of consciousness, we saw in chapter V-7 that the same processes which are at the origin of the physical entropy, massively promote the good instead («good» being clearly defined here, as the basic purposes of consciousness, chapter V-5). Thus, pure consciousness (not connected to a brain) converges quickly to a «divine purpose» common to all the consciousnesses, even without any communication between all these consciousnesses. While the brain, which is a physical object, tends to accumulate errors, habits, misinterpretations, complications, resentments, trauma, all manifestations of its physical entropy, to the point of maintaining the consciousness that it bears in a state of suffering, neurotic and ignorant.

There are important consequences to this: a disembodied consciousness will self-generate in a very different manner than a consciousness linked to a brain (chapter V-2), to the point of giving totally opposed results, for the same person. This is very visible in the NDE: people really discover a totally different vision of life. And even if they fall again quickly in the routines of the physical world, their fundamental values are deeply transformed.

The «Magical moment».

(Permalink) We saw in chapter V-4 and chapter V-7 that in some cases, a logical self-generation process needed a «magical moment», that is to say a particular and unique iteration without any specified law, when it stumbles on a paradoxical situation where its usual laws of self-generation cannot predict what happens next. This case is then non longer handled by the rule 7 of chapter III-3, but by the rule 6 of the same chapter: the creation of a new logical self-generation law, and of a new self-generation system, which will then evolve independently, as a branch of the previous (forking).

This is what happens in what physicists call a «symmetry breaking» and a new laws of physics appears. This is what predict the theories on the physics of the Big bang, and which was actually observed during the experiments of the RHIC (creation of a domain with a different ratio of matter and antimatter than ours).

In the field of consciousness, we also find this notion of a special and unique «magical moment». The most dramatic case would be the start of consciousness, during the creation of the child's brain in the womb: the self-generation process of a new consciousness then typically appears as a branch of the physical processes of the brain (scientists say that consciousness is an emergent property, because it is irreducible to the simple physical functioning of the brain, while being closely bound to it).

However, in the field of consciousness, self-generation laws are more fuzzy, and the number of «fields» and «particles» much larger. So it seems that, unlike physics, these «magical moments» are more common, or even that they would be part of the ordinary operation of consciousness. But they would still appear as inflections, as moments where the consciousness comes out of a routine: awareness taking (Eureka moments), decision-making, free will, moment of superconsciousness, spiritual evolution, etc.

Psycho-physical science

(Permalink) I prefer this more precise term, rather than «parapsychology» or «paranormal», though I also use «parapsychology», which is consecrated by a widespread habit. Psychophysics studies the interactions between consciousness and the physical world (excluding the normal operation of the senses, muscles and brain, which is only physics, biology more accurately)


The logical self-generation theory leads to a simple and scientific definition of a parapsychological phenomenon: it is when there are exchanges of information between a (the) physical self-generation process, and one (our) self-generation process of consciousness. (in common language: when mind influences matter). And, since both come down to a series of logical iterations, with all their contents, then, exactly as we saw in chapter IV-8 where mathematical artefacts appear as physical objects (mathematical theory of disturbances, where these disturbances physically appear as photons) then such exchanges of information between different processes appear as objects or phenomena in the physical world, or as perceptions or new ideas in the world of consciousness.


Such a simple definition bases a real psychophysical science, which will then study how such exchanges can occur, and what their effects will be. And even their uses, such as for example having a less prosaic life.



Different cases are possible:

-From the physical brain to consciousness. This is the most banal, that we even not call a parapsychological phenomenon: the information contained in the brain, coming from the sensory organs (vision, hearing) or from its internal circuitry (ideas, feelings, dreams, visualizations) are directly and immediately available to consciousness, as seen in chapter V-2. The logical self-generation process of consciousness being a branch of the process of the physical world, it therefore includes the later in its definition. The flow of information from the brain to the consciousness is thus natural and constant.

-From the material world to consciousness. If the information does not pass by the sensory organs and the brain, then it is an extrasensory perception (ESP). Depending on how it happens, it will be a moment of superconsciousness, a premonitory dream, a out of body experience (OBE), «divination» and others. For a person who has developed high spirituality, these phenomena are the easiest to produce voluntarily.

-From consciousness to the brain. The physical brain is modified by the reception of information from the consciousness. Typically in this category we have freewill, see chapter V-3. Ordinary memory could also be in this case, see the discussion of chapter V-9. If this is the case, then any reception of a memory would be a parapsychological phenomenon. Anyway, the previous set of phenomena such as the NDE, OBE, ESP, premonitory dreams, moments of superconsciousness, also require an action of consciousness on the brain, to be able to modify the later (create a neural signal, or a memory if they are encoded in the synapses of the neurons).

-From consciousness to the physical world. If the information does not pass through the brain and the muscles, it is a psychokinesis, of which there are variants (poltergeist, healing...). The easiest way to reproduce some examples of these phenomena is with spiritual techniques such as the Powa or Toummo, with appropriate spiritual motivations. But their full mastery requires much more.

-The «psychical taking off». The consciousness temporarily loses contact with the physical brain. Depending on the depth of the phenomenon, we have a simple instant of super-consciousness (when the consciousness releases its frantic grasp to the content of the brain, and see things in a more positive perspective), a sleep paralysis (psychical dream), see a NDE (the brain stops sending information to the consciousness, forcing the later into having its own content).

-Integral phenomena. Here we have complex phenomena, with a large number of actions which form a whole (Hence the «integral» qualifier). This «whole» often has a clear meaning for consciousness, which involves the precise control of many elements. We shall see the integral phenomena further, with more details.

Mode of appearance of a psychophysical moment

(Permalink) Strictly, two different logical self-generation processes cannot exchange information. The fact is that our consciousness and the physical world do. From the physical world to consciousness, the explanation is simple: our consciousness was defined during its appearance as receiving information from the brain, since the logical self-generation process of consciousness is a branch of the physical process (chapter III-3 rule 7), although it involves different elements. We saw in chapter V-3 on freewill, that it is probably this link in a direction which makes possible interactions in the other direction, for example when neurons meet an indeterminacy.

Then we saw in chapter V-4 that the action of freewill on the brain took the form of a space domain, where the laws of physics were violated, in a way to allow for the interaction to take place (freewill being normally physically impossible). A certainly very discreet and fleeting domain, but enough to produce a neural signal, which will then be normally processed and used by the brain: we learned something which comes from the consciousness, for example the supremacy of altruism on self-centredness.

As the physical action of this domain can be resumed finally to a single action: to switch a neural network from one state to another, then we spoke about a «magical moment», that is a single nib in the logical self-generation process of the physical world, but which provides information from consciousness.

And this «magical moment» is a different event of the regular quantum interactions, as it involves billions of atoms, instead of an ordinary quantum interaction which only involves two particles at once.


Other phenomena could also manifest in the same way (with a «magical moment»): moments of superconsciousness, ESP, etc. Indeed, even if these things seem to last for a while for the consciousness which experiments them, they can be summarized to a single interaction, of which the immediate effect on the brain (emotion, surprise) may take several minutes before the episode becomes a memory. (We actually saw in chapter IV-3 on the nature of time, that the «time» of consciousness is fuzzy, and even that it may differ from the time of the physical world. To the point that sleep would not be a lack consciousness, but only an extreme slow production of nibs, accompanied by the disconnection of the sensory organs, which gives this feeling of having «missed something» when we wake up).


If we place ourselves in the «quantum» vision of consciousness, as seen in the beginning of this chapter, we deduce that such «magical moments» may appear in a «quantum» manner:

-They are favoured or inhibited by the influence of different «fields», or what plays this role in consciousness (stakes, feelings...)

-They occur or not, according to a purely indeterministic «quantum» random.

-The result is not either determined (although, in the case of a transfer of information, this information is determined, otherwise it is not a transfer of information).

-Its effect remains limited to what cannot be determined by the current self-generation law, according to the principle of economy of absurdity (chapter V-7).


Such a vision suddenly lightens a number of mysteries, especially why the parapsychological phenomena occur only in a random way, or even in an elusive way. But also, why they occur more often in certain situations (dream, birth, death, sleep paralysis, prayer groups, NDE, etc.). For example a hazard represents a «field» which is very limited in time, but very powerful, so that it is very likely to cause a moment of superconsciousness warning of the said hazard (but we cannot rely on it: this is not automatic, it is random!). This provides with ways to observe them more frequently, by spiritual techniques such as the Tummo, the Kundalini, worship in the Sainte Therese of Avila way, violent emotions, important issues, group egregores (Chapter VI-10) and others. We also understand why some other negative «fields» can instead block them: humiliation, public curiosity, hostility (for example in an «experiment» by arrogant scientistists looking for a denial), negative egregores, etc. (these things are thus to be avoided in any scientific study, see chapter II-9). Especially, the simple desire of the ego to see them makes them very unlikely (chapter V-10).

Diffuse textures and magical places

(Permalink) (Added September 2021) The previous sub-chapters, and in chapter V-7 «The «dissolution» of consciousness», both point to the idea that the interaction of mind on matter, though usually weak, would never really be zero.

However it could strongly depend on the place, or on the people. We could thus have «magical places», or this could explain the «spirits of the places» Chapter V-17), or the greater probability of phenomena in certain circumstances. The PEAR experiment has shown these weak effects, and how they depend on personal circumstances. But places were not tested. Humour, group egregores, kindness, non-ego and expressive music increase the positive results.

At a pinch, some specific negative emotions like fear of the unknown or awe toward authority would have positive effects too. Often, places were considered to have a frightening power. The magical effect of fear is very evident in sleep paralysis (Incubi, Succubi or «alien abduction») and this effect can be found even in RR3. At a pinch, this could be the origin of frightening deities (that the religions of the Book assimilated to demons). From here the Tantric directive of accepting these terrible deities.

On the other hand, it seems quite clear that certain adverse circumstances cancel out any effect, mainly noise (cars, chatter, shouting, media or TV music, rap, etc.), dirt, garbage, desacralization of the body and of nature, problematic persons (creators of stakes, tension, the violent, the blathering, the egotistical, the sociopaths, etc.). It is a common observation that a place seems «magical» to us, with positive emotions. But if disputes and problems have occurred, then this magic dissipates and disappears.


We find these guidelines in the way of conducting a spiritual retreat: a quiet, isolated place, in nature, with very precise rules of behaviour for participants and teachers, such as avoiding disputes and chatter.

To summarize, we could speak of an accumulation of «something» which favours the psi, related to places, objects, people, even to books or music. But this accumulation can dissipate under the influence of hostile circumstances. So it works like spiritual energy (chapter V-17), with energy thieves as well.

«Integral phenomena» and other profound interactions.

(Permalink) Some «integral phenomena» however go much further than an unique nib: they affect a large number of physical objects, in a coordinated way, for some duration. Let us include:

-Healings, which involve an action over many organs (Although a cancer can sometimes be healed by a single mutation in the immune system).

-UFO encounters, which would be a manifestation of non-physical objects in our physical world. This event occurs for a limited duration and a equally limited perimeter, which we can then call a domain, in the sense where physicists use this word, where the self-generation laws are different. In the deepest case, the RR4, the body of the experiencer is carried into the domain, where it can undergo transformations. However these transformations are not such that they prevent the body from operating: the experiencer is back in good health. At worst, he bears burns or weird marks, at best he is cured of diseases.

-Other more ancient encounters, which were culturally interpreted as fairies or religious encounters, etc. could be the same thing.

-Transubstantiation, where the body of a person changes its nature, to become a spiritual body. In this case it disappears from the physical world. Religions such as Christianity and especially Tibetan Buddhism say that such cases occur with some great meditators, whose physical body is absorbed in a light. Science not yet had the opportunity to observe these rare phenomena happening. However more benign phenomena were observed, such as the Toukdam: I known someone who did it.

-Spiritual powers would appear with great meditators. If things like flying or levitating have not been scientifically observed, however it is possible to see (if you open your eyes) more discrete events (chapter V-10) in the presence of such persons. Such powers imply very favourable conditions related to the consciousness of the person, such as disappearance of the ego, high concentration, great compassion, and a great independence of the spiritual consciousness from the brain (chapter V-2). Intense mental feelings such as those produced by Tummo, or the orgasm of the yogis, may favour this state.


We saw in Chapter VII-3 the problem which arises when a physical object becomes spiritual: If information on its atomic structure is lost, then the inverse transform becomes impossible. This is what would occur in a final transubstantiation, where the person does not want to come back anyway. However in the RR4 this return occurs, as discussed in Chapter VII-3, implying that the atomic structure is preserved.


Integral phenomena are too organized to arrive only by chance: they tend to demonstrate the mastery of a «spiritual technology» by some consciousnesses, who would use them for their own purposes.

Electric consciousness?

(Permalink) Added in July 2022: this sub-chapter discusses various theories which are popular in ecology or spiritualist circles, saying that there is a relationship between consciousness and electricity (or even with plasmas, as in the UFO plasma hypothesis, chapter VII-2). Needless to say, these theories are considered as pseudoscientific by materialist science.

These theories made their debut in the 19th century, at a time when official science was based on aether conducting electromagnetic waves. As long as fobbing the most contradictory properties on the aether, it was also attributed the conduction of sensations and will, between the brain and the muscles. This idea is at the origin of the «aetheric body» of Anthroposophy, which since influenced many other thought currents. Thus in the late 20th Century, we hear of the effects of electric fields on consciousness, of telluric fields, of the positive effects of negative ions, etc.

The Logical Self-Generation Theory that I propose considers the physical world and consciousness as two different entities, which do not need each other to exist and behave. However, we cannot deny that they interact massively: from physics to consciousness through the sensory organs, and from consciousness to physics, in NDEs, free will, psychokinesis, etc. Materialist science, which deifies matter and denies consciousness, considers such interactions heretical. But for General Epistemology, they are merely exchanges of information between two logical self-generation processes, which occur naturally under certain conditions.

This does not automatically validate the various hypotheses above: effects of electric fields on consciousness, telluric fields, consciousness in plasmas, etc. We can even predict that there will be a lot of waste. But with General Epistemology, scientists can no longer be accused of materialist bias.

But General Epistemology can consider these phenomena, at least in theory. After all, it is the electric activity of neurons which promotes brain-related experiences of consciousness, right?

Have such phenomena actually been observed? Materialist science answers no (and then concedes a placebo effect, that is yes but now get out). For General Epistemology, it is difficult to answer, because we enter a very polluted field, rife with pseudo-sciences and pseudo-spiritualities, where anyway it is difficult to make clear-cut observations, not tainted by belief. To my knowledge, nobody has ventured there. In fact, in these pseudo-spiritualist circles, everybody justifies his theory by the mere «freedom of speech», without trying to verify anything.

One of the most toxic pollutants is undoubtedly the naturalist fallacy (note 95;): electricity being «artificial», its effect would necessarily be bad! Thus we hear people saying that «GPS waves prevent from meditating»! Ouyouyouh!

The answer of General Epistemology is quite interesting: even if such interactions do not exist in the beginning, it is possible to create them. This is what happened naturally with the evolution of the brain, which connected consciousness to the physical world. But we understand that this is not simple, and that it will certainly take more than positive thinking to reproduce a process which took 500 million years. But there is a simple thing to try: wherever electronic systems use random signals (communications, banks, etc.), we would replace them with sounds, such as mantras, beautiful music, etc. With some cautions, this could be suitable for cryptography. Anyway, I love the idea of the GPS broadcasting mantras in every place in the world!.

Well, I know that no Internet agency today would agree to do something like that. But there is no need for their agreement: since the PEAR experiment, we know that we can influence their random generators to obtain measurable effects. It is enough to meditate that we positively influence the Internet, the GPS, etc.

Would this work? At least there would be one immediate result: instead of clouding our minds with negative thoughts, conspiracy, deep state and all that gibberish, we would get enthusiastic with the idea of the invisible waves net surrounding Earth, transformed into a protective etheric field, promoting life and evolution!

Well, even if we stayed to positive thinking, the above experiment would already be very useful. But can we really create a protective «etheric field»? My only answer for now is that this meditation is the first step. Do it, the continuation will come in due time.







General Epistemology        Chapter VII-4       







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